SCON状态位反映了收割台J3。连接J3针脚1和2时,启用MVME147充当VMEbus系统控制器,然后是SCON= 1. 当J3针脚1和2未连接时,MVME147为不是VMEbus系统控制器,SCON=0。位1该位允许软件启动全局重置序列。设置SRESET位将激活主机上的SYSRESET*信号VMEbus,反过来重置MVME147。此位清除重置完成后自动执行。该位被清除任何重置。
该位由任何重置设置。位3 ROBIN位配置VMEbus仲裁模式。ROBIN=1强制循环模式。ROBIN=0强制优先级模式。MVME147可以使用这两种模式。这位由SYSRESET清除。这些位通过任何重置设置为1,1。注意,写入REQLEV1,0不会更改实际请求者级别,直到MVME147执行以下操作:拥有并释放VMEbus主控权。这意味着有时,写入REQLEV1,0的值不会匹配当前请求者级别(请求级别滞后)。在此期间,REQLEV1,0的读数反映了实际者级别,而不是写入REQLEV1,0的值。位3将该位设置为1可防止请求者释放VMEbus。但是,与DWB控制位不同,设置
The SCON status bit is a reflection of the configuration of
header J3. When J3 pins 1 and 2 are connected, enabling the
MVME147 to act as the VMEbus system controller, then SCON
= 1. When J3 pins 1 and 2 are not connected, the MVME147 is
not the VMEbus system controller and SCON = 0.
Bit 1 This bit allows the software to initiate a global reset sequence.
Setting the SRESET bit activates the SYSRESET* signal on the
VMEbus which in turn resets the MVME147. This bit clears
automatically after the reset is complete. This bit is cleared by
any reset.
Bit 2 Setting BRDFAIL to 1 causes the VMEchip to attempt to activate
the SYSFAIL* signal on the VMEbus. The GCSR bit Inhibit
SYSFAIL (ISF), in global register 1, enables the MVME147 to
cause SYSFAIL* to be activated as a result of the state of
BRDFAIL. In addition, when the bit is set, the FAIL LED is lit. (A
watchdog time-out from the PCC also lights the FAIL LED.)
This bit is set by any reset.
Bit 3 The ROBIN bit configures the VMEbus arbitration mode.
ROBIN = 1 forces the round-robin mode. ROBIN = 0 forces the
priority mode. Both modes can be used by the MVME147. This
bit is cleared by SYSRESET. These bits are set to 1, 1 by any reset.
Note that writes to REQLEV1,0 do not change the actual
requester level until the MVME147 goes through the action of
having VMEbus mastership and releasing it. This means that
there are times when the value written into REQLEV1,0 do not
match the current requester level (the request level is lagging).
During such times, reads to REQLEV1,0 reflect the actual
requester level, not the value written into REQLEV1,0.
Bit 3 Setting this bit to 1 prevents the requester from releasing the
VMEbus. However, unlike the DWB control bit, setting the
RNEVER bit does not cause the requester to request the
VMEbus. Clearing the RNEVER bit allows the requester to
relinquish the VMEbus in accordance with the other control bits
of the requester configuration register. This bit is cleared by any