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BENTLY 106M1081-01通道继电器模块

作者:xqt 发布时间:2022-07-05 14:21:26 次浏览

BENTLY 106M1081-01通道继电器模块,106M1081-01产品颜色模块需要屏蔽电缆来帮助减少电气噪声的影响联轴器。在一端将每个屏蔽接地只有两端接地的屏蔽形成接地回路,这可能导致模块通信故障。从不将屏蔽连接到逻辑电路(这会引入噪声进入逻辑电路)。将屏蔽直接连接到机箱地此机箱接地连接在1734-232ASC RTB上不可用(可拆卸接线板)。BENTLY 106M1081-01通道继电器

BENTLY 106M1081-01通道继电器模块,106M1081-01产品颜色模块需要屏蔽电缆来帮助减少电气噪声的影响联轴器。在一端将每个屏蔽接地只有两端接地的屏蔽形成接地回路,这可能导致模块通信故障。从不将屏蔽连接到逻辑电路(这会引入噪声进入逻辑电路)。将屏蔽直接连接到机箱地此机箱接地连接在1734-232ASC RTB上不可用(可拆卸接线板)。


106M1081-01 -1.jpg

106M1081-01 -2.jpg

BENTLY 106M1081-01通道继电器模块在某一点上输入/输出系统,底盘接地可以在DIN导轨上进行连接,在金属面板上,DIN导轨安装到用户的输入/输出设备或安装在用户的输入/输出设备上。与ASCII模块通信ASCII模块用作串行总线的点总线前端装置数据可以通过轮询与主机交换,循环或状态变化连接。位选通命令响应消息传递和未连接的消息管理器(UCMM)不是支持1. 该模块生成和使用数据如下:设备在线,但在已建立状态下没有连接。绿色设备在线,连接处于建立状态。在超时状态下,一个或多个输入/输出连接呈红色闪烁红色关键链路故障-通信设备故障。检测到设备阻止其在网络上通信的错误。闪烁红色/绿色通信故障设备-设备检测到网络访问错误,并且处于通信故障状态。设备具有接收并接受了识别通信故障请求

module requires shielded cable to help 

reduce the effects of electrical noise 

coupling. Ground each shield at one end 

only. A shield grounded at both ends 

forms a ground loop, which can cause 

module communications to fault. Never 

connect a shield to the common side of a 

logic circuit (this would introduce noise 

into the logic circuit).

Connect the shield directly to a chassis 

ground. This chassis ground connection 

is not available on the 1734-232ASC RTB 

(Removable Terminal Block). On a POINT 

I/O system, the chassis ground 

connection can be made at the DIN Rail, 

at the metal panel the DIN Rail is 

mounted to, or at the user’s I/O device.Communicating with the ASCII Modules

The ASCII modules operate as the PointBus front-end to your serial 

device. Data can be exchanged with the master through a polled, 

cyclic, or change-of-state connection. Bit-Strobe Command Response 

Messaging and the Unconnected Message Manager (UCMM) are not 


. The module produces and consumes data as follows:Device is on-line but has no connections in the established state.

Green Device on-line and has connections in the established state.

Flashing Red One or more I/O connections in timed-out state

Red Critical link failure - failed communication device. Device detected 

error that prevents it communicating on the network.



Communication faulted device - the device has detected a network 

access error and is in communication faulted state. Device has 

received and accepted an Identify Communication Faulted Request 

- long protocol message.

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