BENTLY 146031-01继电器模块,146031-01产品外观
BENTLY 146031-01继电器模块使用以下所需的固件版本这些桥接模块:•1756-ENBT固件版本2.3或更高版本•1788-ENBT固件版本1.33或更高版本如果使用BootP实用程序为适配器分配IP地址,请使用版本2.3.2或更高版本。了解消息传递类3(显式消息)通过1734-AENT适配器请求特定点输入/输出模块可能并不总是收到响应来自输入/输出模块。如果输入/输出模块没有在响应请求时,适配器会以错误代码进行响应表示超时。建立输入/输出连接当您启动点输入/输出系统并建立输入/输出时连接,输出转换到空闲状态,应用空闲进入运行模式前状态数据。即使在建立连接的控制器已处于运行模式。配置Autobaud适配器无法重新配置以前安装的输入/输出模块配置为以固定波特率运行。当您重用点时从另一点输入/输出系统输入/输出模块,配置模块在将其与适配器一起使用之前,先将其连接到autobaud。
报错 笔记拼音
The POINT I/O EtherNet/IP Adapter is a communications adapter for
POINT I/O modules. The adapter provides an interface for
controlling and communicating with POINT I/O modules from an
Ethernet network.Before You Begin
To effectively use your adapter, note the following considerations.
Determine Compatibility
If using the 1734-AENT adapter with a 1756-ENBT module or
1788-ENBT module, use the following required firmware versions for
these bridge modules:
• 1756-ENBT firmware version 2.3 or greater
• 1788-ENBT firmware version 1.33 or greater
If you use the BootP Utility to assign IP addresses to the adapter, use
version 2.3.2 or greater.
Understand Messaging
Class 3 (Explicit Message) requests through the 1734-AENT adapter to
a specific POINT I/O module may not always receive a response
from the I/O modules. In the case where the I/O module does not
reply to the request, the adapter responds with an error code
indicating a time-out.
Establish I/O Connections
When you power up a POINT I/O system and establish I/O
connections, the outputs transition to the Idle state, applying Idle
state data before going to RUN mode. This occurs even when the
controller making the connection is already in RUN mode.
Configure Autobaud
The adapter cannot reconfigure an I/O module that you previously
configured to operate at a fixed baud rate. When you reuse a POINT
I/O module from another POINT I/O system, configure the module
to autobaud before using it with the adapter.