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ABB触摸屏PP875 3BSE092977R1操作使用过程

作者:xqt 发布时间:2022-10-12 10:23:32 次浏览

ABB触摸屏PP875 3BSE092977R1操作使用过程除主功能外,PROFIBUS网关还执行多种附加功能,包括在以下章节中介绍。5.1固件下载包含装置整个应用软件代码的固件存储在非易失性FlashEPROM中。可以通过服务端口加载新固件版本。通过串行链路下载使用终端。exe PC程序,可以通过串行链路从连接的PC加载新固件通过服务接口。5.2故障保护现场总线监督现场总线上的通信由MCU使用超

ABB触摸屏PP875 3BSE092977R1操作使用过程


5.1固件下载包含装置整个应用软件代码的固件存储在非易失性FlashEPROM中。可以通过服务端口加载新固件版本。通过串行链路下载使用终端。exe PC程序,可以通过串行链路从连接的PC加载新固件通过服务接口。



现场总线上的通信由MCU使用超时机制进行监控。网关循环向MCU发送消息(nvoFailsafe)。故障情况已定义,因为MCU尚未在一定时间内从网关接收到消息(GW参数:Failsafe Heartbeat,MCU参数:故障保护超时)。在故障情况下,MCU进入配置状态。如果参数“Failsafe超时PLC”未激活,现场总线立即启动监控。

PP875 3BSE092977R1.jpg

请注意:PR 112和ITS不提供故障保护机制。







寿命清单中每个开关设备单元站的位置可通过CA优先级进行配置。循环时间(SU生命信号心跳)、超时(SU生命信号超时)和心跳(SU寿命列表心跳)是可配置。智能层交换机是ABB SlimLine交换机保险丝集成传感器和基于微处理器测量和监视用电子设备LON是LonWorks网络的缩写。A.LON的变化被用作INSUM系统

In addition to the main function, PROFIBUS Gateway performs a variety of additional functions, which are described in the following chapters. 5.1 Firmware-Download The Firmware containing the whole application software code of the units is stored in a non-volatile FlashEPROM. A new firmware version can be loaded via service port. Download via the Serial Link Using terminal.exe PC program, the new firmware can be loaded from a connected PC via the serial link through the service interface. 5.2 Failsafe Supervision of field bus The communication on the field bus is supervised by the MCU using a timeout-mechanism. The gateway sends cyclically a message (nvoFailsafe) to the MCU. The fault situation is defined, as a MCU has not received a message from gateway for a certain time (GW Parameter: Failsafe Heartbeat, MCU parameter: Failsafe Timeout). In a fault situation the MCU goes into configured state. In case parameter "Failsafe timeout PLC" is not activated supervision of field bus starts immediately. Please note: Failsafe mechanism is not available for PR 112 and ITS. Supervision of the PROFIBUS and fieldbus The communication on the PROFIBUS is supervised by gateway using a timeout-mechanism , i.e. a fault situation is recognised when byte 0, bit 0 of PROFIBUS Write Output Table is not set cyclic by PCS to 1. This timeout value (Failsafe timeout PLC) can be configured. The Gateway responds the fault situation by sending of a message (nvoFailsafe= activated) via the LON-network to each field device. Afterwards the field device goes into configured state. After this PCS or PROFIBUS failure bus supervision starts by setting of bit 0 again. 5.3 Life List for Switchgear Units To supervise the availability of the Gateways and the MMIs for other units on the LON network these stations cyclically send a heartbeat message on the net. Every switchgear unit receives this message and generates a Life List, which is cyclically updated. One switchgear unit propagates this list to all field devices (except ITS). Life List appears in PROFIBUS Read Input Table too. Position of every switchgear unit station in Life List is configurable by CA Priority. The cycle time (SU Lifesign Heartbeat), the timeout (SU Lifesign Timeout) and heartbeat (SU Lifelist Heartbeat) are configurable.

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