DSCA190V 57310001-PK数字量模块的产生
欧洲公共低压线路的额定电压为400 V
三相之间以及a相和中性点之间的230 V
All power cables which are directly connected with the converter
(U1, V1, W1, C1, D1) must either be screened or be kept close together and close to the mounting plate and separate from all other
cables (L1, L2, L3 included) and especially from unscreened signal
cables. A recommended separation possibility is to place these
power cables at the rear side of the mounting plate. If direct crossings of "polluted" cables and others, especially signal cables, are
inevitable then they must be made rectangular.
16 Placement of
cables outside
the cabinet
The power cables must be arranged parallel and close together,
see drawings in 14. The speed feedback must be screened and
placed directly along the power cables to the motor if the housing
of the tacho machine is electrically connected with the housing of
the motor. If the housing of the tachometer or the encoder is insulated from the motor then a distance between the power and signal
cables is advantageous.The rated voltages of a public European low voltage line are 400 V
between the 3 phases and 230 V between a phase and the neutral
conductor. These voltages are provided by a transformer with its 3-
phase secondary winding in star connection. The star point is connected with the neutral conductor and it is earthed at the transformer station. The electrical power is distributed by 4-wire cables
to the electricity consumers. At a cable stub to a consumer, the
neutral conductor must be earthed (local earth of the house or
plant), and then it is split into a neutral and a PE conductor.
Therefore a 3-phase load with neutral conductor must be supplied
by a 5-wire cable. Converters, however, are 3-phase loads which
do not need the neutral conductor in most cases. They can be
supplied by 4-wire cables as shown in figure 5.2-1. The change
from the earthed neutral conductor outside the house, plant or
factory to the internal PE conductor with the local earthing point
between is not shown in this figure. See also section 24.
Power limitation: see end of section 4!
19 Public low voltage lines in industrial regions
In an industrial region the noise level which is caused by converters
is allowed to be 10 dB higher than in a residential region with included light industry. Therefore the protection targets concerning
EMC can be met without screened motor cables if these cables are
configured according to 14.
A public low voltage line of an industrial region may have an own
supply transformer as shown in figure 5.2-1, but often the lines of
an industrial region and of a residential one are supplied by a
common transformer. This depends on the power consumption of
both regions and on their distance. Power limitation: see end of 4!