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ICS TRIPLEX T9451工控系统模块

作者:xqt 发布时间:2022-07-06 15:05:16 次浏览

ICS TRIPLEX T9451工控系统模块,T9451参数说明功能描述本节包含对MVME172LX。数据总线结构MVME172LX上的本地总线是32位同步总线,即基于MC68060总线,支持突发传输和窥探。各种本地总线主设备和从设备使用本地总线沟通。本地总线由优先级类型仲裁;优先权本地总线主节点从高到低依次为:82596CA LAN、53C710SCSI、VMEbus和MPU。ICS TRIP

ICS TRIPLEX T9451工控系统模块,T9451参数说明


沟通。本地总线由优先级类型仲裁;优先权本地总线主节点从高到低依次为:82596CA LAN、53C710SCSI、VMEbus和MPU。

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ICS TRIPLEX T9451工控系统模块一般来说,任何主机都可以访问然而,并非所有组合都通过了常识测试。提到MVME172 VME嵌入式控制器程序员参考指南和用户指南,以确定每个设备的端口大小、数据总线连接,以及访问设备时适用的任何限制。微处理器MVME172LX可与MC68060或MC68LC060一起微处理器。MC68060具有片上指令和数据缓存以及浮点加工机(浮点协处理器是MC68060和MC68LC060。)有关详细信息,请参阅M68060用户手册更多信息。MC68xx060缓存MVME172LX本地总线主机(VMEchip2,MC68060/MC68LC060、53C710 SCSI控制器和82596CA以太网控制器)可编程控制嗅探/缓存模式。这个支持MC68060/MC68LC060的MVME172LX本地总线从站总线侦听在中的“本地总线内存映射”中定义MVME172 VME嵌入式控制器程序员参考指南。Industry Pack DMA具有跳线来控制snoop的状态。注意,MC68xx060的snoop功能与这些不同MC68xx040。软件必须考虑这些差异考虑无VMEbus接口选项MVME172LX可以作为嵌入式控制器运行,无需VMEbus接口。为了支持此功能,在VMEchip2已在MC2chip中复制。此逻辑在中被禁用当VMEchip2存在时,MC2chip。启用这些功能由软件和MC2chip硬件初始化控制。

Functional Description

This section contains a functional description of the major blocks on the


Data Bus Structure

The local bus on the MVME172LX is a 32-bit synchronous bus that is

based on the MC68060 bus, and which supports burst transfers and

snooping. The various local bus master and slave devices use the local bus

to communicate. The local bus is arbitrated by priority type; the priority of

the local bus masters from highest to lowest is: 82596CA LAN, 53C710

SCSI, VMEbus, and MPU. As a general rule, any master can access any

slave; not all combinations pass the common sense test, however. Refer to

the MVME172 VME Embedded Controller Programmer’s Reference

Guide and to the user’s guide for each device to determine its port size, data

bus connection, and any restrictions that apply when accessing the device.


The MVME172LX may be ordered with an MC68060 or MC68LC060


The MC68060 has on-chip instruction and data caches and a floating point

processor. (The floating point coprocessor is the major difference between

the MC68060 and MC68LC060.) Refer to the M68060 user’s manual for

more information.

MC68xx060 Cache

The MVME172LX local bus masters (VMEchip2,

MC68060/MC68LC060, 53C710 SCSI controller, and 82596CA Ethernet

controller) have programmable control of the snoop/caching mode. The

MVME172LX local bus slaves which support MC68060/MC68LC060

bus snooping are defined in the “Local Bus Memory Map” in the

MVME172 VME Embedded Controller Programmer’s Reference Guide.

The Industry Pack DMA has jumpers to control the state of the snoop Note The snoop capabilities of the MC68xx060 differ from those

of the MC68xx040. Software must take these differences into


No-VMEbus-Interface Option

The MVME172LX may be operated as an embedded controller without

the VMEbus interface. To support this feature, certain logic in the

VMEchip2 has been duplicated in the MC2chip. This logic is inhibited in

the MC2chip when the VMEchip2 is present. The enables for these

functions are controlled by software and MC2chip hardware initialization. 

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