XDD501A101 3BHE036342R0101多通道处理器,ABB英文使用说明
XDD501A101 3BHE036342R0101多通道处理器,MC68030为本地总线当PCC、LANCE或VMEbus请求使用本地总线,GCC多端口仲裁器将BR*激活至MC68030。这个MC68030通过激活BG*,完成其当前周期(如果一个正在进行中),并放弃了对当地公交车的控制。此时,GCC多端口仲裁器授予本地总线主控权到最高优先级的请求设备。授予的设备使用然后放弃本地总线主控权。如果另一个设备此时请求本地总线主控,GCC多端口仲裁器将其授予设备;否则,MPU恢复本地总线控制。仲裁优先级从高到低依次为:LANCE、PCC、,VMEbus和MPU。PCC功能重复对PCC中存在的几个寄存器和函数进行了分析GCC中重复。访问这些寄存器和功能是仍然通过PCC地址。然而,PCC上的一些引脚由于逻辑在GCCT内,PCC现在未连接。PCC包括一个DMA通道控制器(DMAC)以移动SCSI芯片和内存之间的数据。DMA信道具有用于数据传输的32位地址指针,32位指针用于命令链接表和24位字节计数器。由于其8位到32位的数据总线宽度转换,该芯片以高达1.5MB/s的速率移动SCSI数据,同时使用少于
RAM Refresh Timer
The DRAM used on the MVME147 must be refreshed at least every
15.6 µs. The GCC provides a refresh signal to the DRAM at least
once every 15.6 µs.
Local Bus Multiport Arbiter
Because the local address and data buses are used to access the
onboard DRAM and the VMEbus, any devices that use these
resources must become the local bus master first. The MC68030
arbitration logic (Bus Request (BR*), Bus Grant (BG*), Bus Grant
Acknowledge (BGACK*)) is used by the GCC multiport arbiter to
transfer local bus mastership from the current master to the next
master. During normal operation the MC68030 is the local bus
When the PCC, the LANCE, or the VMEbus requests use of the local
bus, the GCC multiport arbiter activates BR* to the MC68030. The
MC68030 responds by activating BG*, finishing its current cycle (if
one is in progress), and giving up local bus mastership.
At this point, the GCC multiport arbiter grants local bus mastership
to the highest priority requesting device. The granted device uses
the local bus and then relinquishes local bus mastership. If another
device is requesting local bus mastership at this time, the GCC
multiport arbiter grants it to the device; otherwise the MPU
resumes local bus mastership.
The arbitration priority in high to low order is: LANCE, PCC,
VMEbus, and MPU.
Duplication of PCC Functions
Several registers and functions that exist in the PCC have been
duplicated in the GCC. Access to these registers and functions is
still through the PCC addresses. However, some pins on the PCC
are now unconnected because the logic is inside the GCCThe PCC includes a DMA Channel Controller (DMAC) to move
data between the SCSI chip and memory. The DMA channel
features a 32-bit address pointer for data transfers, a 32-bit pointer
for the command chaining table, and a 24-bit byte counter.
Because of its 8-bit to 32-bit data bus width conversion, the chip
moves SCSI data at rates up to 1.5MB/second while using less than
25 percent of the local bus bandwidth when doing a DMA to local