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UCD208A101 3BHE020018R0101处理器卡件

作者:xqt 发布时间:2022-07-05 16:45:48 次浏览

UCD208A101 3BHE020018R0101处理器卡件,ABB产品重量ISF控制位允许其他VMEbus主机引起VMEchip释放其对VMEbus SYSFAIL的贡献*线这是为了让软件能够确定电路板出现故障。应该注意的是,ISF位没有对BRDFAIL状态位的影响。将位设置为1将禁止VMEchip无法激活VMEbus SYSFAIL*行。这一位是由SYSRESET清除。SCON状态位反映了收

UCD208A101 3BHE020018R0101处理器卡件,ABB产品重量

ISF控制位允许其他VMEbus主机引起VMEchip释放其对VMEbus SYSFAIL的贡献*线这是为了让软件能够确定电路板出现故障。应该注意的是,ISF位没有对BRDFAIL状态位的影响。将位设置为1将禁止VMEchip无法激活VMEbus SYSFAIL*行。这一位是由SYSRESET清除。SCON状态位反映了收割台J3。连接J3针脚1和2时,启用MVME147作为系统控制器,SCON位为1。

UCD208A101 3BHE020018R0101 -3.jpg

UCD208A101 3BHE020018R0101 -1.jpg

UCD208A101 3BHE020018R0101处理器卡件否则它为0。位7 R&H位允许其他VMEbus主机重置MVME147。MVME147保持重置状态的时间与设置R&H位时。该位由SYSRESET清除。1.GCSR基址配置寄存器必须编程以允许GCSR寄存器集为了响应VMEbus访问,此函数将启用。2.如果MVME147设置了自己的R&H,则会导致其自身保持重置状态,直到其他主机将位清除为0。3.软件不得在短时间内激活R&H35微秒。4、当本地MPU正在执行VMEbus循环。MC68030可以读取和写入该寄存器。VMEbus只能读取它。该寄存器允许唯一识别电路板的软件。整体寄存器由SYSRESETIntroduction清除本章提供了MVME147的功能描述。功能描述概述了模块,然后详细描述了模块的每个部分。MVME147的框图如图5-1所示

 The ISF control bit allows other VMEbus masters to cause the

VMEchip to release its contribution to the VMEbus SYSFAIL*

line. This is provided so that software can determine how many

boards have failed. It should be noted that the ISF bit has no

effect on the BRDFAIL status bit. Setting the bit to 1 inhibits the

VMEchip from activating the VMEbus SYSFAIL* line. This bit is

cleared by SYSRESET. The SCON status bit is a reflection of the configuration of

header J3. When J3 pins 1 and 2 are connected, enabling the

MVME147 as system controller, the SCON bit is 1. Otherwise it

is 0.

Bit 7 The R&H bit allows other VMEbus masters to reset the

MVME147. The MVME147 is held in the reset state for as long

as the R&H bit is set. This bit is cleared by SYSRESET. 1. The GCSR Base Address Configuration Register

must be programmed to allow the GCSR set of registers

to respond to VMEbus accesses for this function to be


2. If the MVME147 sets its own R&H, it causes itself to

be maintained in a reset state until some other master

clears the bit to 0.

3. Software must never activate R&H for shorter than

35 microseconds.

4. The R&H bit should not be set while the local MPU

is executing a VMEbus cycle.The MC68030 can both read and write to this register.

The VMEbus can only read it. This register allows the

software to uniquely identify boards. The whole

register is cleared by SYSRESETIntroduction

This chapter provides a functional description of the MVME147.

The functional description provides an overview of the module,

followed by a detailed description of each section of the module.

The block diagram of the MVME147 is shown in Figure 5-1

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