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NI SCXI-1100电压​输入​模​块

作者:xqt 发布时间:2022-07-05 15:29:23 次浏览

NI SCXI-1100电压输入模块32通道,10 V,4 Hz 滤波器,用于SCXI的电压输入模块 - SCXI-1100专为毫伏、伏特和电流信号的信号调理而设计。 所有通道通过跳线选择的4 Hz低通滤波器进行多路复用,提供了多个增益范围选项。 这些通道可多路复用控制DAQ设备的单个通道中,从而增加了DAQ系统的通道数NI SCXI-1100电压输入模块VMEbus短输入/输出内存映射VMEch

NI SCXI-1100电压输入模块32通道,±10 V,4 Hz 滤波器,用于SCXI的电压输入模块 - SCXI-1100专为毫伏、伏特和电流信号的信号调理而设计。 所有通道通过跳线选择的4 Hz低通滤波器进行多路复用,提供了多个增益范围选项。 这些通道可多路复用控制DAQ设备的单个通道中,从而增加了DAQ系统的通道数

SCXI-1100 -1.jpg

SCXI-1100 -3.jpg


NI SCXI-1100电压输入模块VMEbus短输入/输出内存映射VMEchip全局控制和状态寄存器(GCSR)设置出现在VMEbus短输入/输出内存映射中的奇数地址处。VMEchip中的映射解码器监视地址和地址修饰符行和请求VMEchip全局寄存器当它们被选中时。请注意,GCSR只能在中访问主管数据空间;没有可用的用户模式访问。VMEchip GCSR基址是使用控件选择的VMEchip中的寄存器(GCSR基址配置寄存器)本地控制和状态寄存器(LCSR),如表3-7所示。A.MVME147可以通过VMEbus访问其自己的VMEchip GCSR。MVME147(和MVME147Bug默认值)通过GCSR基址用$F编程。这是有意实现的因此GCSR集不会映射到VMEbus上。笔记1.DRAMsize=DRAM的大小。例如,如果使用4MB版本,则DRAMsize=400000美元,(3 x DRAMsize)-1=BFFFFF美元。2、当起始地址小于16MB时,DRAM响应标准或扩展地址修饰符。当起始地址为16MB或更大时,DRAM仅响应扩展地址修饰符。注意,VMEchip中的第4位和第5位从地址修改器寄存器进一步控制对标准和扩展的响应地址修饰符。3.此组合仅适用于16MB或32MB的DRAMsize表中所示的值仅指扩展地址。在标准中DRAM响应$000000到$7FFFFF的地址范围。

VMEbus Short I/O Memory Map

The VMEchip Global Control and Status Register (GCSR) Set

appears at odd addresses in the VMEbus short I/O memory map.

A map decoder in the VMEchip monitors the address and the

address modifier lines and requests the VMEchip global registers

when they are selected. Note that the GCSR can only be accessed in

Supervisor Data Space; no User Mode accesses are available.

The VMEchip GCSR base address is selected using a control

register (GCSR base address configuration register) in the VMEchip

Local Control and Status Register (LCSR) as shown in Table 3-7. A

MVME147 may access its own VMEchip GCSR via the VMEbus.

The MVME147 (and the MVME147Bug default) powers up with the

GCSR base address programmed with $F. This is intentionally done

so that the GCSR set is not mapped on the VMEbus.Notes

1. DRAMsize = the size of the DRAM. For example, if the 4MB version is used, then

DRAMsize = $400000, and (3 x DRAMsize)-1 = $BFFFFF.

2. When beginning address is less then 16MB, the DRAM responds to standard or

extended address modifiers. When beginning address is 16MB or greater, the DRAM

responds to extended address modifiers only. Note that bits 4 and 5 in the VMEchip

Slave Address Modifier Register further control response to standard and extended

address modifiers.

3. This combination pertains only to DRAMsize of 16MB or 32MB.

4. The values shown in the table refer to extended addresses only. In the standard

address range the DRAM responds to $000000 through $7FFFFF. 

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