140CRP31200以太网模块,SCHNEIDER使用流程粗电缆的电流限制对于厚电缆,网络上的最大电流为16安培。然而,只有8安培允许在单个网段上使用。通过以下方式可以从单个电源中提取16安培将电源定位在两个网段的中心点,向每个部分。细电缆的电流限制对于薄电缆,允许的最大电流为3安培。以太网接口模块IC695ETM001用于连接将PACSystems RX3i控制器连接到以太网。

140CRP31200以太网模块它使与其他PAC系统设备通信的RX3i控制器以及90系列和VersaMax控制器。以太网接口提供与其他PLC、主机的TCP/IP通信运行主机通信工具包或程序员软件,和运行TCP/IP版本编程的计算机软件这些通信使用GE Fanuc SRTP和四层TCP/IP上的以太网全局数据(EGD)协议(互联网)堆栈。RX3i以太网接口的功能包括:▪ 完整的PLC编程和配置服务▪ 使用以太网全局数据(EGD)进行定期数据交换▪ 读写PLC和EGD交换的EGD命令通过网络存储。▪ 使用SRTP的TCP/IP通信服务▪ 综合电站管理和诊断工具▪ 通过IEEE 802.3 CSMA/CD 10Mbps扩展PLC连接和100Mbps以太网LAN端口连接器。▪ 具有自动协商、感知、速度和交叉检测。▪ 直接连接到BaseT(双绞线)网络交换机、集线器或无外部收发器的中继器。有关本模块的更多信息,请参阅以下出版物:▪ PAC系统的TCP/IP以太网通信,GFK-2224▪ PACSystems TCP'IP通信,车站管理器手册,GFK-2225
The Ethernet Interface Module, IC695ETM001, is used to connect a
PACSystems RX3i controller to an Ethernet network. It enables the
RX3i controller to communicate with other PACSystems equipment
and with Series 90 and VersaMax controllers. The Ethernet Interface
provides TCP/IP communications with other PLCs, host computers
running the Host Communications Toolkit or programmer software,
and computers running the TCP/IP version of the programming
software. These communications use the GE Fanuc SRTP and
Ethernet Global Data (EGD) protocols over a four-layer TCP/IP
(Internet) stack.
Features of the RX3i Ethernet Interface include:
Full PLC programming and configuration services
Periodic data exchange using Ethernet Global Data (EGD)
EGD Commands to read and write PLC and EGD exchange
memory over the network.
TCP/IP communication services using SRTP
Comprehensive station management and diagnostic tools
Extended PLC connectivity via IEEE 802.3 CSMA/CD 10Mbps
and 100Mbps Ethernet LAN port connectors.
Network switch that has Auto negotiate, Sense, Speed, and
crossover detection.
Direct connection to BaseT (twisted pair) network switch, hub, or
repeater without an external transceiver.
For more information about this module, please refer to the following publications:
TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for PACSystems, GFK-2224
PACSystems TCP’IP Communications, Station Manager Manual, GFK-2225