NI PCI-6520工业数字I/O模块的优势
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NI PCI-6520是一款工业数字I/O模块,具有高通道隔离和工业标准24 V逻辑电平。它提供16通道,包括8路漏极/源极输入和8路继电器输出(60 V)。PCI‑6520需要一个按键连接器来提高安全性。如果发生计算机或应用程序故障,PCI‑6520可以使用数字I/O看门狗切换到可配置的安全输出状态,以确保检测到故障状态并进行安全恢复。它还具有可编程上电状态、数字滤波和变化检测功能,可对应用进行最佳控制
NI PCI-6520的优点包括:
高通道隔离和工业标准24 V逻辑电平
The NI PCI-6520 is an industrial digital I/O module with high channel isolation and industry standard 24 V logic levels. It provides 16 channels, including 8 drain/source inputs and 8 relay outputs (60 V). The PCI ‑ 6520 requires a key connector to improve security. In the event of a computer or application failure, the PCI ‑ 6520 can use a digital I/O watchdog to switch to a configurable safe output state to ensure that a failure state is detected and safe recovery occurs. It also has programmable power-on status, digital filtering, and change detection functions for optimal control of applications
The benefits of NI PCI-6520 include:
High channel isolation and industry standard 24 V logic level
Provides programmable power-on status, digital filtering, and change detection functions for optimal control of applications
Provide a digital I/O watchdog to switch to a configurable safe output state to ensure fault detection and safe recovery
Three single pole double throw (SPDT) type C relays and five single pole single throw (SPST) type A relays are provided
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