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控制器PFSA140 3BSE006503R1的参数说明

作者:xqt 发布时间:2022-10-17 17:15:10 次浏览

控制器PFSA140 3BSE006503R1的参数说明QTERM-II已设置所有参数都使用默认值。您将只修改要更改其默认值的参数。QTERM-II交付时已安装默认QDATA文件。如果要更改任何默认值,只需修改相应的QDATA文件并将其加载到终端。如果没有,可以跳过整个章节。请注意,所有QTERM-II参数都可以使用软件命令进行修改(请参阅第2章),键字符串和自定义显示字符除外!修改按键按下时发送

控制器PFSA140 3BSE006503R1的参数说明



要将QDATA文件从磁盘加载到QTERM-II,请选择加载QDATA菜单项。将要求您输入文件名。输入文件名和扩展名,然后按Enter键。QSETUP现在将打开指定的文件,对其进行错误扫描,如果没有找到错误,则将其加载到QTERM-II中。这大约需要10秒钟。如果发现任何错误,QSETUP将显示指示问题的错误消息。使用编辑器修复问题,然后尝试再次加载。3.2.2加载QCODE文件分发盘上还包含一个名为QCODE.V30的文件。这实际上是运行QTERM-II的微处理器代码。如果QTERM-II中的代码以某种方式损坏,您可以将此文件加载到终端以使其再次运行。如果您怀疑终端的代码已损坏,请致电Beijer Electronics寻求重新加载QCODE文件的技术帮助。3.2.3检索QDATA文件如果您选择QSETUP菜单屏幕上的第三个菜单项,则会要求您输入文件名,QSETUP会将检索到的QDATA信息放入其中。指定不存在的文件名。QSETUP将从终端检索QDATA信息并将其放入磁盘文件。此文件与终端提供的默认文件类似,但有两处不同:•检索到的文件中没有注释。•检索到的文件每行只有一个标识符,因此它比默认的QDATA文件(在关键部分的一行上放几个标识符)要多很多行。

QTERM-II is already set up 

with default values for all parameters. You will modify only the parameters which you want to change from their default. Your QTERM-II is delivered with the default QDATA file already installed. You only need to modify the appropriate QDATA file and load it into the terminal if you want to change any of the default values. If not, you can skip this entire chapter. Note that all QTERM-II parameters can be modified using software commands (see Chapter 2), except for key strings and custom display characters! The only way to modify what a key sends when it is pressed, or to redefine the custom display characters, is by modifying the QDATA file and loading it into the QTERM-II using the QSETUP program. 3.2 Using QSETUP Your distribution disk includes the QSETUP.EXE program, which is used to load the QDATA file into your QTERM-II. This program actually performs three tasks: •load a QDATA file into the QTERM-II •retrieve a QDATA file from the QTERM-II •load the operation code file (QCODE file) into the QTERM-II To use QSETUP, you must use power-on setup to set the QTERM-II's baud rate and data format to 9600/8n1. These are the only settings that will work with QSETUP. You must also connect your terminal to your PC's COM port and supply power to it. If you do not have an EIA-232 terminal, you will need an interface unit. See Chapter 1 for more information When you first run QSETUP, you will see an introductory screen that shows the version number. This version must match the version of the QDATA file you are going to load. See the Versions section below for more information.

Loading a QDATA File 

To load a QDATA file from disk into the QTERM-II, select the Load QDATA menu item. You will be asked for the file name. Enter the file name, along with the extension, then press the Enter key. QSETUP will now open the specified file, scan it for errors, and, if none are found, load it into the QTERM-II. This will take about 10 seconds. If any errors are found, QSETUP will display an error message indicating the problem. Use your editor to fix the problem, then try to load it again. 3.2.2 Loading a QCODE File Also included on your distribution disk is a file called QCODE.V30. This is the actually microprocessor code for running the QTERM-II. If the code in the QTERM-II somehow gets corrupted, you can load this file into the terminal to get it running again. If you suspect your terminal has corrupted code, call Beijer Electronics for technical assistance in reloading the QCODE file. 3.2.3 Retrieving a QDATA File If you select the third menu item on the QSETUP menu screen, you will be asked for a file name into which QSETUP will put the retrieved QDATA information. Specify a file name that does not exist. QSETUP will retrieve the QDATA information from your terminal and put it into a disk file. This file is similar to the default files supplied with your terminal, except for two changes: •The retrieved file will have no comments in it. •The retrieved file will have exactly one identifier per line, so it will have many more lines than the default QDATA file (which puts several identifiers on one line in the key sections).

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