
UR9EH综合保护装置模块该模块可以安装在任何RX3i或90-30系列背板。它与PAC系统兼容™ RX3iIC695CPU310 CPU,3.5版或更高版本。它还与任何90-30系列CPU,IC693CPU321或IC693CPU340除外,带释放8.0或更高版本的CPU固件。建议使用10版或更高版本。机器Edition Logic Developer PLC 3.0 SP1 Special 2或更高版本是必修的。此模块与VersaPro不兼容™, 控制,或Logicmaster™ 编程软件。A系列90-30手持式编程器(IC693PRG300)不能用于配置。特征▪ 所有标准DeviceNet数据速率下的总线通信(125k,250k,500k波特)▪ 最多255字节的输入数据传输和255字节的输出数据传输每个从机。▪ 高达3972字节的输入数据传输和3972字节的输出数据每个主机的传输。
The DeviceNet Master Module allows the CPU to send and receive data
over a DeviceNet network. It can act as master for up to 63 slaves on the
DeviceNet network. It can also be configured to simultaneously function
as a slave to another master on the bus.
DeviceNet is a communications network that transmits data between
control systems (for example: PLCs, PCs, VMEbus computers, and robot
controllers) and distributed industrial devices such as switches, sensors,
valve manifolds, motor starters, bar code readers, drives, displays, and
operator interfaces.
This module can be installed in any available I/O slot in any RX3i or
Series 90-30 backplane. It is compatible with PACSystems™ RX3i
IC695CPU310 CPU, release 3.5 or later. It is also compatible with any
Series 90-30 CPU except IC693CPU321 or IC693CPU340 with release
8.0 or later CPU firmware. Release 10 or later is recommended. Machine
Edition Logic Developer PLC version 3.0 SP1 Special 2 or later is
required. This module is not compatible with VersaPro™, Control, or
Logicmaster™ programming software. A Series 90-30 Hand-Held
Programmer (IC693PRG300) cannot be used for configuration.
Bus communications at all standard DeviceNet data rates (125k,
250k, 500k baud)
Up to 255 bytes input data transfer and 255 bytes output data transfer
per slave.
Up to 3972 bytes of input data transfer and 3972 bytes of output data
transfer per master.