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NI PXI-2799高速数字多路开关模块

NI PXI-2799高速数字多路开关模块

NI PXI-2799高速数字多路开关模块1.产 品 资 料 介 绍:中文资料:NI PXI-2799是一种高密度、高速数字多路开关模块,为用户提供了灵活且可靠的信号路由解决方案。它可以与NI PXI平台或其他兼容的PXI机箱一起使用。以下是NI PXI-2799的配置说明和功能作用:高密度数字多路开关:NI PXI-2799具有多个独立的开关单元,每个单元可以路由大量的数字信号通道。它支持高达1...

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NI PXI-2799高速数字多路开关模块

    NI PXI-2799高速数字多路开关模块

    1.产 品 资 料 介 绍:


    NI PXI-2799是一种高密度、高速数字多路开关模块,为用户提供了灵活且可靠的信号路由解决方案。它可以与NI PXI平台或其他兼容的PXI机箱一起使用。

    以下是NI PXI-2799的配置说明和功能作用:

    1. 高密度数字多路开关:NI PXI-2799具有多个独立的开关单元,每个单元可以路由大量的数字信号通道。它支持高达128个不同的信号通道,可以在不同的配置中进行路由。

    2. 高速操作:该模块提供了快速的开关操作,可实现纳秒级的切换速度,适用于高速信号路由和测试应用。

    3. 灵活的配置选项:用户可以根据需要选择不同的开关配置。NI PXI-2799支持单极性和双极性的开关模式,并且可以配置为不同的开关矩阵大小和通道数量。

    4. 软件控制和编程:该模块可以通过软件进行控制和编程,与LabVIEW等编程环境无缝集成,使用户能够灵活地配置和控制开关操作。

    5. 低电路衰减:NI PXI-2799在信号路由过程中提供低电路衰减,确保信号质量和准确性。

    NI PXI-2799的应用领域包括但不限于:

    1. 自动测试设备(ATE):在自动测试系统中,NI PXI-2799可以用于信号路由和切换,帮助实现高速、高密度的信号切换和测试。

    2. 数据采集系统:对于需要采集和路由多个数字信号通道的应用,NI PXI-2799提供了一种可靠的解决方案。它可以用于数据采集、监测和控制系统。

    3. 通信系统测试:在通信系统测试中,NI PXI-2799可用于切换和路由不同的测试信号,以进行性能测试、验证和故障排除。

    4. 实验室研究和开发:对于需要高密度信号路由和切换的实验室研究和开发项目,NI PXI-2799提供了一种方便的工具。它可以用于快速配置实验室测试环境,减少手动连接和调整的工作量。


    NI PXI-2799 is a high-density, high-speed digital multiplexer module that provides users with flexible and reliable signal routing solutions. It can be used with the NI PXI platform or other compatible PXI chassis.

    The following are the configuration instructions and functional functions of NI PXI-2799:

    High density digital multiplexer switch: NI PXI-2799 has multiple independent switching units, each of which can route a large number of digital signal channels. It supports up to 128 different signal channels and can be routed in different configurations.

    High speed operation: This module provides fast switch operation, which can achieve nanosecond switching speed and is suitable for high-speed signal routing and testing applications.

    Flexible configuration options: Users can choose different switch configurations according to their needs. NI PXI-2799 supports unipolar and bipolar switching modes and can be configured with different switch matrix sizes and channel numbers.

    Software control and programming: This module can be controlled and programmed through software, seamlessly integrated with programming environments such as LabVIEW, allowing users to flexibly configure and control switch operations.

    Low circuit attenuation: NI PXI-2799 provides low circuit attenuation during signal routing, ensuring signal quality and accuracy.

    The application areas of NI PXI-2799 include but are not limited to:

    Automatic Test Equipment (ATE): In automatic test systems, NI PXI-2799 can be used for signal routing and switching, helping to achieve high-speed and high-density signal switching and testing.

    Data acquisition system: For applications that require the collection and routing of multiple digital signal channels, NI PXI-2799 provides a reliable solution. It can be used for data collection, monitoring, and control systems.

    Communication system testing: In communication system testing, NI PXI-2799 can be used to switch and route different test signals for performance testing, verification, and troubleshooting.

    Laboratory research and development: NI PXI-2799 provides a convenient tool for laboratory research and development projects that require high-density signal routing and switching. It can be used to quickly configure laboratory testing environments, reducing the workload of manual connections and adjustments.

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