WOODWARD 8440-1706伺服控制器
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WOODWARD 8440-1706在前面板上有一个光学收发器。下图2-7是前面板的示意图。反光内存板的前面板上有三个LED指示灯。下表2-6概述了前面板LED。标有“RX”的端口是接收器,标有“TX”的端口则是发射器。WOODWARD 8440-1706使用“LC”型单模或多模光纤电缆。
注意:当光纤电缆未连接时,安装提供的防尘帽,以防止灰尘和污垢进入光学器件。在未安装光纤电缆的情况下,请勿为WOODWARD 8440-1706通电。为了避免潜在的眼睛伤害,在通电时不要直视发射器。
状态指示灯通电默认状态为“ON”。LED是用户定义的板状态指示器。通过写入控制和状态寄存器的位31,状态LED可以切换为“ON”或“OFF”。如果接收器检测到光,信号检测LED将“点亮”,并且它可以用作验证光网络是否正确连接到接收器的简单方法。当板检测到自己的数据通过网络返回时,Own Data LED(自身数据指示灯)将“点亮”
The WOODWARD 8440-1706 has an optical transceiver located on the front panel. Figure 2-7 below is an illustration of the front panel. The Reflective Memory board has three LED indicators located on the front panel. Table 2-6 below outlines the front panel LEDs. The port labeled “RX” is the receiver and the port labeled “TX” is the transmitter. The WOODWARD 8440-1706 uses “LC” type fiber-optic cables either single-mode or multimode.
CAUTION: When the fiber-optic cables are not connected, install the supplied dust caps to keep dust and dirt out of the optics. Do not power up the WOODWARD 8440-1706 without the fiber-optic cables installed. To avoid potential eye injuries, do not look directly into the transmitters when power is applied.
The status LEDs power up default state is “ON”. The LED is a user defined board status indicator. The status LED can be toggled “ON” or “OFF” by writing to Bit 31 of the Control and Status register. The signal detect LED turns “ON” if the receiver detects light and it can be used as a simple method of verifying the optical network is properly connected to the receiver. The Own Data LED is turned “ON” when the board detects its own data returning over the network
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