AMAT 0190-06172控制电路板
1.产 品 资 料 介 绍:
AMAT 0190-06172本章介绍了板的安装和配置。本章说明了电缆配置、跳线/开关配置和板布局
注意:VMIC产品上组装的一些组件可能对静电放电敏感,并且在受到高能静电场的板上可能会发生损坏。当将板放置在工作台上进行配置等时,建议在板下插入导电材料,以提供导电分流器。未使用的木板应存放在运输时使用的相同保护箱中。AMAT 0190-06172
收到后,应遵守在集装箱中发现的任何预防措施。应仔细打开AMAT 0190-06172品的包装,并彻底检查运输过程中可能发生的损坏。应检查电路板是否有损坏的部件、损坏的印刷电路板、热损坏和其他可见污染。所有因运输损坏引起的索赔都应向承运人提交,并向VMIC发送一份完整的报告,同时请求就损坏物品的处理提供建议。AMAT 0190-06172
This chapter AMAT 0190-06172describes the installation and configuration of the board. Cable configuration, jumper/switch configuration and board layout are illustrated in this chapterAMAT 0190-06172
CAUTION: Some of the components assembled on VMIC’s products may be sensitive to electrostatic discharge and damage may occur on boards that are subjected to a high-energy electrostatic field. When the board is placed on a bench for configuring, etc., it is suggested that conductive material should be inserted under the board to provide a conductive shunt. Unused boards should be stored in the same protective boxes in which they were shipped.AMAT 0190-06172
Upon receipt, any precautions found in the shipping container should be observed. All items should be carefully unpacked and thoroughly inspected for damage that might have occurred during shipment. The board(s) should be checked for broken components, damaged printed circuit board(s), heat damage, and other visible contamination. All claims arising from shipping damage should be filed with the carrier and a complete report sent to VMIC together with a request for advice concerning the disposition of the damaged item(s).AMAT 0190-06172
2.产 品 展 示
3.主 营 品 牌