ALSTOM N897163510Q N897163050Q N897163100U控制脉冲卡件
1.产 品 资 料 介 绍:
LAN绿色当LAN芯片为本地总线主控芯片时,LAN指示灯亮起+12V绿色当以太网收发器接口可使用+12V电源时,+12V LED亮起。SCSI绿色当SCSI芯片是本地总线主机时,SCSI指示灯亮起。VME绿色当板使用VMEbus时(VMEbus AS*由VMEchip2断言)或当板被VMEbus访问时(VMEchip1是本地总线主机),VME LED亮起。
本地总线由优先级类型仲裁器进行仲裁,本地总线主控器的优先级从高到低为:ALSTOM N897163510Q N897163050Q N897163100U局域网(最高)ALSTOM N897163510Q N897163050Q N897163100U串行(通过PCCchip2)ALSTOM N897163510Q N897163050Q N897163100UVME总线5。MPU(最低)
LAN Green The LAN LED lights when the LAN chip is local bus master. +12V Green The +12V LED lights when +12V power is available to the Ethernet transceiver interface. SCSI Green The SCSI LED lights when the SCSI chip is local bus master. VME Green The VME LED lights when the board is using the VMEbus (VMEbus AS* is asserted by the VMEchip2) or when the board is accessed by the VMEbus (VMEchip2 is the local bus master).
Data Bus Structure The local data bus on theMVME187 is a 32-bit synchronous bus based on the MC68040 bus, and supports burst transfers and snooping. Local Bus Arbitration The various local bus master and slave devices use the local bus to communicate.
The local bus is arbitrated by priority type arbiter and the priority of the local bus masters from highest to lowest is: 1. 82596CA LAN (highest) 2. CD2401 serial (through the PCCchip2) 3. 53C710 SCSI 4. VMEbus 5. MPU (lowest)
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