ALSTOM N895609510K N895609010R N895609100P工控控制卡件
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以太网收发器接口以太网收发器接口位于ALSTOM N895609510K N895609010R N895609100P上,行业标准连接器位于MVME712X转换模块上。
187 Bug固件ALSTOM N895609510K N895609010R N895609100P Bug调试监视器固件(187 Bug)位于ALSTOM N895609510K N895609010R N895609100P上四个EPROM插槽中的两个插槽中。它提供:❏ 超过50个调试命令❏ 向上/向下加载命令❏ 磁盘引导加载命令❏ 全套车载诊断❏ 一个单行汇编程序/反汇编程序187 Bug用户界面接受来自系统控制台终端的命令。187Bug也可以在系统模式下运行,其中包括服务菜单中的选项。
All four serial ports use EIA-232-D drivers and receivers located on the main board, and all the signal lines are routed to the I/O connector.
Parallel (Printer) Port The 8-bit bidirectional parallel port may be used as a Centronicscompatible parallel printer port or as a general parallel I/O port.
Ethernet Transceiver Interface The Ethernet transceiver interface is located on the ALSTOM N895609510K N895609010R N895609100P, and the industry standard connector is located on the MVME712X transition module.
187Bug Firmware The ALSTOM N895609510K N895609010R N895609100PBug debug monitor firmware (187Bug) is provided in two of the four EPROM sockets on the ALSTOM N895609510K N895609010R N895609100P. It provides: ❏ Over 50 debug commands ❏ Up/down load commands ❏ Disk bootstrap load commands ❏ A full set of onboard diagnostics ❏ A one-line assembler/disassembler The 187Bug user interface accepts commands from the system console terminal. 187Bug can also operate in a System Mode, which includes choices from a service menu.
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