ALSTOM N895600512D N895600051C N895600200Q工控控制卡件
1.产 品 资 料 介 绍:
Centronics(并行)打印机端口❏ 带DMA的以太网收发器接口❏ 187 Bug调试监视器固件板载内存夹层模块ALSTOM N895600512D N895600051C N895600200Q板载DRAM夹层板有不同尺寸,并具有可编程奇偶校验保护或错误检查与纠正(ECC)保护。❏ 主板和单个夹层板一起占用一个插槽。❏ 摩托罗拉软件支持在同一主板上混合奇偶校验和ECC存储板。
夹层板大小为4、8、16或32 MB(奇偶校验),或4、8,16、32、64或128 MB(ECC)可以堆叠两个夹层板以提供256MB的板载RAM(ECC)或64MB(奇偶校验)。堆叠配置需要两个VME总线插槽。❏ DRAM是四路交错的,以有效地支持高速缓存突发周期。❏ 奇偶校验mezzanies仅在25 MHz主板上受支持。
SCSI大容量存储接口ALSTOM N895600512D N895600051C N895600200Q通过行业标准SCSI总线提供大容量存储子系统。这些子系统可能包括❏ 硬盘和软盘驱动器❏ 流式磁带驱动器❏ 其他大容量存储设备。
Centronics (parallel) printer port ❏ Ethernet transceiver interface with DMA ❏ 187Bug debug monitor firmware Onboard Memory Mezzanine Module The ALSTOM N895600512D N895600051C N895600200Q onboard DRAM mezzanine boards are available in different sizes and with programmable parity protection or Error Checking and Correction (ECC) protection. ❏ The main board and a single mezzanine board together take one slot. ❏ Motorola software supports mixed parity and ECC memory boards on the same main board.
Mezzanine board sizes are 4, 8, 16, or 32 MB (parity), or 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128 MB (ECC); – Two mezzanine boards may be stacked to provide 256MB of onboard RAM (ECC) or 64 MB (parity). The stacked configuration requires two VMEbus slots. ❏ The DRAM is four-way interleaved to efficiently support cache burst cycles. ❏ The parity mezzanines are only supported on 25 MHz main boards.
SCSI Mass Storage Interface The ALSTOM N895600512D N895600051C N895600200Q provides for mass storage subsystems through the industry-standard SCSI bus. These subsystems may include ❏ Hard and floppy disk drives ❏ Streaming tape drives ❏ Other mass storage devices.
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