ABB 3ADT220090R0023数字输入模块 2023年4月7日库存备件
1.产 品 资 料 介 绍:
ABB 3ADT220090R0023是ABB公司生产的一款数字输入模块,用于集中输入数字信号。其功能是将数字信号输入到控制系统中,以实现对工业自动化过程的监控和控制。
ABB 3ADT220090R0023模块的配置说明如下:
输入通道数量:ABB 3ADT220090R0023模块提供了16个输入通道,每个通道可以输入一个数字信号。
通道类型:ABB 3ADT220090R0023模块的每个通道都可以配置为不同的输入类型,包括数字输入、脉冲输入和模拟输入等。
输入电压范围:ABB 3ADT220090R0023ABB 3ADT220090R0023模块的输入电压范围为24V DC。
输出信号类型:ABB 3ADT220090R0023模块的输出信号类型为数字信号,可通过工业以太网或Profibus接口输出。
硬件接口:ABB 3ADT220090R0023模块具有两个连接器,可连接到其他设备或系统。
工作温度范围:ABB 3ADT220090R0023模块的工作温度范围为0°C到60°C。
ABB 3ADT220090R0023适用于多种工业自动化领域,如制造业、电力、水处理和采矿等。在这些应用领域中,该模块通常用于将传感器或其他设备的数字信号输入到控制系统中进行处理和控制,以实现自动化控制和优化生产过程。
ABB 3ADT220090R0023 is a digital input module produced by ABB company, used for centralized input of digital signals. Its function is to input digital signals into the control system to achieve monitoring and control of industrial automation processes.
The configuration instructions for ABB 3ADT220090R0023 module are as follows:
Number of input channels: ABB 3ADT220090R0023 module provides 16 input channels, each of which can input a digital signal.
Channel type: Each channel of ABB 3ADT220090R0023 module can be configured with different input types, including digital input, pulse input, and analog input.
Input voltage range: The input voltage range of the ABB 3ADT220090R0023ABB 3ADT220090R0023 module is 24V DC.
Output signal type: The output signal type of ABB 3ADT220090R0023 module is digital signal, which can be output through industrial Ethernet or Profibus interface.
Hardware interface: The ABB 3ADT220090R0023 module has two connectors that can be connected to other devices or systems.
Working temperature range: The working temperature range of ABB 3ADT220090R0023 module is from 0 ° C to 60 ° C.
ABB 3ADT220090R0023 is suitable for various industrial automation fields, such as manufacturing, power, water treatment, and mining. In these application areas, this module is typically used to input digital signals from sensors or other devices into control systems for processing and control, in order to achieve automated control and optimize production processes.
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