ABB NINT-68 61336125F数字量控制板卡 2023年4月6日库存备件
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ABB NINT-68 61336125F背板通信窗口模式(仅当扫描模式设置为正常时可用。)背板通信窗口的执行设置。选择:完成:窗口运行到完成。没有时间限制。有限:时间限制。背板ABB NINT-68 61336125F通信窗口定时器参数中规定了每次扫描的背板ABB NINT-68 61336225F通信窗的最大执行时间。默认值:完成。
ABB NINT-68 61336125F背板通信窗口定时器(ms)(仅当扫描模式设置为正常时可用。当背板通信窗口模式设置为完成时只读。)每次扫描的背板通信窗口的最大执行时间ABB NINT六十八61336125F。此值可以大于看门狗计时器的值。
ABB NINT-68 61336125F有效范围和默认值取决于背板通信窗口模式:▪ 完成:没有时间限制。背板通信窗口计时器参数为只读。▪ 有限:有效范围:0到255ms。默认值:255。(冗余CPU为10ms。)ABB NINT-68 61336125F
ABB NINT-68 61336125F Backplane Communication Window Mode (Available only when Sweep Mode is set to Normal.) Execution settings for the Backplane Communications Window. Choices: Complete: The window runs to completion. There is no time limit. Limited: Time sliced. The maximum execution time for the Backplane ABB NINT-68 61336125F Communications Window per scan is specified in the Backplane ABB NINT-68 61336125F Communications Window Timer parameter. Default: Complete.
ABB NINT-68 61336125F Backplane Communications Window Timer (ms) (Available only when Sweep Mode is set to Normal. Read-only if the Backplane Communications Window Mode is set to Complete.) The maximum execution time ABB NINT-68 61336125F for the Backplane Communications Window per scan. This value can be greater than the value for the watchdog timer.
ABB NINT-68 61336125F The valid range and the default depend on the Backplane Communications Window Mode: ▪ Complete: There is no time limit. The Backplane Communications Window Timer parameter is read-only. ▪ Limited: Valid range: 0 through 255ms. Default: 255. (10ms for Redundancy CPUs.)ABB NINT-68 61336125F
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