ALSTOM N897164611M数字量控制板卡
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ALSTOM N897164611M限额是按目标计算的,因此所有生产商和消费者都计入该限额。60 ALSTOM N897164611M(固件版本9.30或更高版本)通过嵌入式PROFINET控制器为MRP提供PROFINET支持:不需要外部硬件。61本出版物发布时不支持。简介EPSCPE100是RSTi EP系列中的第一个独立CPU。它由两种安装选项支持:1)出厂时,它使用DIN导轨适配器板安装在DIN导轨上。2) 或者,它使用面板安装适配器板ALSTOM N897164611M直接安装在机柜中。安装说明和电源要求记录在《快速入门指南》GFK3012中,此处不复制。ALSTOM N897164611M,是一款性能增强的独立可编程控制器,配备1MB用户内存和四个以太网端口,用于运行实时确定性控制应用程序。LAN1专用于高速以太网,LAN2由3个交换端口组成,可配置为第二个嵌入式以太网控制器或嵌入式PROFINET控制器,提供PROFINET功能,仅支持单工操作模式。它是一个独立的PLC,支持分布式I/O。ALSTOM N897164611M
ALSTOM N897164611MLimit is per target, so all producers and consumers are counted towards this limit. 60 CPE100 (firmware version 9.30 or later) provide PROFINET support with MRP via an embedded PROFINET Controller: no external hardware is required. 61 Not supported at the time of this publication.Introduction The EPSCPE100 is the first standalone CPU in the ALSTOM N897164611M family. It is supported by two mounting options: 1) As shipped, it mounts onto a DIN rail using a DIN-rail adaptor plate. 2) Alternately, it mounts directly in a cabinet, using a panel-mount adaptor plate ALSTOM N897164611M. The mounting instructions and power requirements are documented in the Quick Start Guide, GFK3012, and are not replicated here.The PACSystems* RSTi-EP EPSCPE100, is an enhanced performance standalone programmable controller equipped with 1MB of user memory and four Ethernet ports to run real time deterministic control applications. LAN1 is dedicated to high speed Ethernet and LAN2 is comprised of 3 switched ports configurable as either a second embedded Ethernet controller or an embedded PROFINET controller, which provides the PROFINET functionality and supports only simplex mode of operation. It is a standalone PLC that supports distributed I/O.ALSTOM N897164611M
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