ABB NGDR-03C数字化的保护继电器
1.产 品 详 情 资 料:
ABB NGDR-03C是一种数字化的保护继电器,具有广泛的应用领域,其主要功能和配置说明如下:
- 过流保护:当电流超过设定值时,继电器将动作并切断电路,从而防止电气设备受到过载或短路等故障的损坏。
- 过压保护:当电压超过设定值时,继电器将动作并切断电路,从而保护电气设备免受过电压的影响。
- 欠压保护:当电压低于设定值时,继电器将动作并切断电路,从而避免电气设备因低电压而损坏。
- 接地保护:当电气设备发生接地故障时,继电器将动作并切断电路,从而避免人员触电和电气设备损坏等事故的发生。
- 负序保护:当三相电流中存在负序成分时,继电器将动作并切断电路,从而保护电气设备免受负序电流的影响。
- 电源:NGDR-03C继电器需要220V AC的电源供应。
- 输入信号:NGDR-03C继电器的输入信号为模拟量信号,可以连接到电流互感器或电压互感器等传感器输出的信号上。
- 输出信号:NGDR-03C继电器的输出信号为继电器触点输出,可以用于控制电路的开关和报警等。
应用领域: ABB NGDR-03C继电器广泛应用于电力系统的保护控制中,包括电力变压器、发电机、高压开关设备、电缆等电气设备的保护。其高可靠性、稳定性和精度,可以为电力系统提供有效的保护控制,确保电气设备的安全运行。
ABB NGDR-03C is a digital protective relay with a wide range of applications. Its main functions and configuration are described below:
Overcurrent protection: When the current exceeds the set value, the relay will act and cut off the circuit, thereby preventing electrical equipment from being damaged by faults such as overload or short circuit.
Overvoltage protection: When the voltage exceeds the set value, the relay will act and cut off the circuit, thereby protecting electrical equipment from the impact of overvoltage.
Under voltage protection: When the voltage is lower than the set value, the relay will act and cut off the circuit, thereby preventing electrical equipment from being damaged due to low voltage.
Ground protection: When a ground fault occurs in electrical equipment, the relay will act and cut off the circuit, thereby avoiding accidents such as electric shock to personnel and damage to electrical equipment.
Negative sequence protection: When there is a negative sequence component in the three-phase current, the relay will act and cut off the circuit, thereby protecting electrical equipment from the impact of negative sequence current.
Configuration Description:
Power supply: The NGDR-03C relay requires a 220V AC power supply.
Input signal: The input signal of the NGDR-03C relay is an analog signal that can be connected to the signals output by sensors such as current transformers or voltage transformers.
Output signal: The output signal of the NGDR-03C relay is a relay contact output that can be used to control the switch and alarm of the circuit.
Application field:
ABB NGDR-03C relays are widely used in the protection and control of power systems, including the protection of electrical equipment such as power transformers, generators, high-voltage switchgear, and cables. Its high reliability, stability, and accuracy can provide effective protection and control for the power system, ensuring the safe operation of electrical equipment.
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