1.产 品 详 情 资 料:
RELIANCE MC-D5006-A1.将包含要传输的项目的CPU置于运行模式或停止模式。2.如果PME与RX3i联机,则转到脱机或选择监视器模式。3.将RDSD插入CPU上的USB接口。(1-2秒后,RDSD指示灯变为绿色。)4。对于CPE305/CPE310,向左推动RDSD方向开关(UPLOAD),然后瞬间按下START(启动)按钮。对于CPE330,按下RDSD UPLD按钮。5.在传输过程中,RELIANCE MC-D5006-A请勿从CPU中取出RDSD。▪ 传输过程中,RDSD指示灯呈绿色闪烁。根据项目数据的大小RELIANCE MC-D5006-A,这可能需要10到150秒的时间。▪ RDSD指示灯应变为绿色,表示传输已成功完成。▪ 如果RDSD指示灯变为红色,则表示传输失败。在RDSD上尝试传输结束时,将有一份故障表的副本。将RDSD插入装有PACS Analyzer软件的PC中,并在RDSD上选择plcfaultafter.dat文件,以便分析仪进行故障表分析RELIANCE MC-D5006-A
RELIANCE MC-D5006-A1. Place the CPU that contains the project to be transferred in RUN Mode or STOP Mode. 2. If PME is online with the RX3i, either go Offline or select Monitor mode. 3. Insert the RDSD into the USB connector on the CPU. (After 1 – 2 sec,RELIANCE MC-D5006-A the RDSD LED turns solid green.) 4. For CPE305/CPE310, push the RDSD direction switch to the left (UPLOAD), then momentarily depress the START pushbutton. For CPE330, depress the RDSD UPLD pushbutton. 5. Do not remove the RDSD from the CPU during the transfer.RELIANCE MC-D5006-A▪ The RDSD LED blinks green during the transfer. This can take from 10 – 150 sec, depending upon the size of the project data. ▪ The RDSD LED should turn solid green, indicating that the transfer completed successfully. ▪ If the RDSD LED turns solid red, the transfer has failed. There will be a copy of the fault tables as they existed at the end of the attempted transfer on the RDSD. Insert the RDSD into a PC which has the PACS Analyzer software and select the plcfaultafter.dat file on the RDSD for fault table analysis by the AnalyzerRELIANCE MC-D5006-A
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