GE V7768-312000工控控制卡件
1.产 品 介 绍
型号说明:GE V7768-312000工控控制卡件
分辨率:1280 x 800像素。
帧率:最高可达50,000 fps(每秒帧数),具体帧率取决定于设置和分辨率。
灵敏度:ISO 25,000(根据ISO标准进行测量的相机灵敏度)。
存储:8 GB内存,支持高速存储卡(如CFast)。
2.产 品 详 情 资 料:
GE V7768-312000模块总线AC 800M控制器中的模块总线(PM891除外)由一个电气单元和一个光学单元组成。PM891仅由光模块总线组成。以下是模块总线的详细信息:•电气模块总线(参见第160页图54)–1个集群(组),最多连接12个S800 I/O单元。•光模块总线(参见第160页图54)–7个集群(组),最多连接7 x 12=84个S800 I/O单元。注意,GE V7768-312000当AC 800M以单CPU配置运行时,电气模块总线只能用于连接S800 I/O。GE V7768-312000限于一个光模块总线集群。使用冗余将减少S800信道的最大数量。每个集群最多可包含12个单一S800 I/O单元或最多6个冗余S800 I/O设备。这总共提供了8个集群(组),最多8 x 12=96个S800 I/O装置连接到具有单CPU配置的AC 800M控制器。GE V7768-312000
ModuleBus The ModuleBus in the AC 800M controller, except PM891, consists of one electrical and one optical unit. The GE V7768-312000 consists of optical ModuleBus only. The following are the details of the ModuleBus: • Electrical ModuleBus, (see Figure 54 on page 160) – 1 cluster (group), with a maximum of 12 S800 I/O units connected. • Optical ModuleBus GE V7768-312000 – 7 clusters (groups), with maximum 7 x 12 = 84 S800 I/O units connected. Note that the electrical ModuleBus can only be used for connection of S800 I/O when AC 800M is running in single CPU configuration. PM851/PM851A is restricted to one optical ModuleBus cluster. Use of redundancy will reduce the maximum number of S800 channels. Each cluster may contain up to 12 single S800 I/O units or up to 6 redundant S800 I/O units.This provides a total of eight clusters (groups), with a maximum 8 x 12 = 96 S800 I/O units connected to an AC 800M Controller with single CPU configuration.GE V7768-312000
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