2.3 预处理系统
图2.5 预处理系统运行画面
图2.6 精致系统运行画面
UW500集散控制系统在该项目上投运以来的生产运行表明,床温、盐温曲线图以及最大值算法大大降低操作人员对数量繁多的床温、盐温的把控难度。盐阀自动控制逻辑稳定 精确的温度控制提升了产品质量及生产效率,同时本系统采用数量众多的PID控制算法,保证生产设备稳定运行,节约了 超过30%的人力投入。紧急停车保护算法的精准稳定动作使 得生产设备安全性大大提高,保护了人员及设备安全。利港电厂拥有8台发电机组,总装机容量4040MW,是中国华东地区最大的火力发电厂。除了发电,利港电厂还向附近的大型工厂供热,最大供热能力1000t/h,目前实际供热量400~500t/h。
and the solenoid valves are in the power-off state. See the following ladder diagram for specific programming:Program description: network 1 will 16#40 send qb0 to Q0 6 = 1, even if each output point of 4514 and 4555 = 0, ensure that 60 solenoid valves are inactive after startup. Network 2 ~ network 4 are started and operated: clear qb0 and make M8 0 = 1, T101 and T102 begin to oscillate. Network 5: T102 = 1 (there is only one scanning cycle), increase the mb0 count by 1, and ensure that mb0 is a hexadecimal counter. Network 6: in M8 0 = 1 and T101 = 0 are 1s intervals. Within this interval, its Q0 6 output = 0, hardware circuit 4514 and 4555 output enable, that is, there is always one way of solenoid valve action, in M8 0 = 1 and T101 = 1 are 9-second intervals. Within this interval, its Q0 6 output = 1, so that the output of hardware circuits 4514 and 4555 = 0, that is, 60 solenoid valves are stopped. Press the stop button in network 7 to stop the equipment.
6. Comparison of two design schemes:
1. The design of PLC with 60 output ports is 1 ~ 2 times higher than the design of PLC with only 7 output ports with