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型号说明:ICS TRIPLEX T8471控制器
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安装ICS TRIPLEX T8471直接安装到处理器单元底板上的CEX总线或CEX总线互连单元BC810。然后将通信接口安装到SM811上的CEX总线。有关配置示例,请参见第100页的图31和第101页的图32。在冗余配置的情况下,使用封闭电缆TK852V010连接两个SM811的SM链路。数字I/O连接SM811有一个带有三个数字输入和两个数字输出的连接器,可用于与高完整性相关的数字I/O(非过程I/O)。见表11。访问启用输入(I2)必须连接到操作员面板中的按键开关。重置所有力输入(I1)和热插入输入(I3)必须连接到脉冲型面板(如果使用)。输入信号用于系统功能,参见AC 800M高完整性文件。在冗余配置中,两个SM811的相应数字输入必须连接到公共数字输入开关。例如,两个ICS TRIPLEX T8471的I3必须连接到公共开关。如果使用单独的电源,请将电源连接到公共交换机,然后从交换机导出到两个SM811的连接。ICS TRIPLEX T8471
Installing ICS TRIPLEX T8471The SM811 is mounted directly to the CEX-Bus on the processor unit base plate or to the CEX-Bus interconnection unit BC810. The communication interfaces are then mounted to the CEX-Bus on the SM811. See Figure 31 on page 100 and Figure 32 on page 101 for configuration examples. Use the enclosed cable TK852V010 to connect the SM Link of the two ICS TRIPLEX T8471in case of redundant configuration. Digital I/O Connection The SM811 has a connector with three digital inputs and two digital outputs that can be used for High Integrity related digital I/O (not process I/O). See Table 11. The Access Enable input (I2) must be connected to a key switch in the operator’s panel. The Reset all Forces input (I1) and Hot-insert input (I3) must be connected to impulse type panel if they are used. The input signals are used for system function, see AC 800M High Integrity documentation. In a redundant configuration, the corresponding digital inputs to both the SM811’s must be connected to common digital input switches. For example, the I3’s of both SM811’s must be connected to a common switch. If separate sources are used, connect the sources to a common switch, and then derive connections from the switch to both the SM811’s.ICS TRIPLEX T8471
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