WOODWARD 5466-032数字量输入卡件
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型号说明:WOODWARD 5466-032数字量输入卡件
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WOODWARD 5466-032的以太网地址每个PM891单元都有一个唯一的以太网地址,为该单元提供硬件标识。该功能采用驻留在PM891的非易失性存储器中的两个标识地址的形式。最低地址(12个字符的十六进制代码)位于WOODWARD 5466-032装置盖上的不干胶标签上。剩下的地址是最低的+1。关于WOODWARD 5466-032的标签位置详情,请参见第55页的图15。有关加载软件和使用以太网地址的详细信息,请参阅软件文档。AC 800M控制器–主要功能•模块化,允许逐步扩展。•简单的DIN导轨连接/拆卸程序,使用独特的滑动和锁定机构。•通过单元/通道LED提供快速、简单的故障排除程序。•IP20级保护,无外壳要求。•即使在环境温度为40℃时,由于单元散热极低,允许使用低成本的密封外壳C(104F) 外壳外部。•所有单元都经过EMC认证WOODWARD 5466-032
Ethernet Address for WOODWARD 5466-032Each PM891 unit is provided with a unique Ethernet address that provides hardware identity to the unit. This functionality takes the form of two identification addresses residing in the non-volatile memory of PM891. The lowest address (a 12 character Hex code) is located on an adhesive label attached to the cover ofWOODWARD 5466-032 unit. The remaining address is the lowest +1. See Figure 15 on page 55 for label location details ofWOODWARD 5466-032. See software documentation for details on loading the software and using Ethernet address.AC 800M Controller – Key Features • Modularity, allowing for step-by-step expansion. • Simple DIN-rail attachment/detachment procedures, using a unique slide and lock mechanism. • Fast, simple troubleshooting procedures available via unit/channel LEDs. • IP20 Class protection with no requirement for enclosures. • Allows for the use of low-cost, sealed enclosures due to extremely low unit heat dissipation, even at an ambient temperature of 40 C (104 F) outside the enclosure. • All units are fully EMC certified
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