B&R 2BM100.9模拟输入量模块
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型号说明:B&R 2BM100.9模拟输入量模块
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B&R 2BM100.9以下是一个例程的示例,该例程构建了一个单独的向量表,然后将VBR移动到该表:结果可能是您的程序使用了调试器操作所需的一个或多个异常向量。B&R 2BM100.9但是,如果异常处理程序可以确定何时处理异常本身以及何时将异常传递给调试器,则仍然可以使用调试器工具。发生要传递给调试器的异常时;即ABORT,异常处理程序必须从异常堆栈帧的格式字读取向量偏移量。此偏移量被添加到162Bug目标程序向量表(您的程序保存了该表)的地址,从而产生B&R 2BM100.9异常向量的地址。然后,程序跳转到此向量位置存储的地址,即162Bug异常处理程序的地址B&R 2BM100.9
The following is an example of a routine which builds a separate vector table and then moves the VBR to point at it:B&R 2BM100.9It may turn out that your program uses one or more of the exception vectors that are required for debugger operation. Debugger facilities may still be used, however, if your exception handler can determine when to handle the exception itself and when to pass the exception to the debugger. When an exception occurs which you want to pass on to the debugger; i.e., ABORT, your exception handler must read the vector offset from the format word of the exception stack frame. This offset is added to the address of the 162Bug target program vector table (which your program saved), yielding the address of the B&R 2BM100.9 exception vector. The program then jumps to the address stored at this vector location, which is the address of the 162Bug exception handlerB&R 2BM100.9
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