B&R ECCP60-01 CPU模块
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型号说明:B&R ECCP60-01 CPU模块
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使用B&R ECCP60-01目标向量表162Bug初始化并维护目标程序的向量表区域。目标程序是由bug启动的任何程序,可以使用GO或TR类型命令手动启动,也可以使用BO命令自动启动。此目标向量表区域的起始地址是调试器内存的基地址。此地址在加电和冷启动重置时加载到目标状态VBR中,可以通过使用RD命令在加电后立即显示目标状态寄存器来观察。B&R ECCP60-01使用表4-2中列出的调试器向量初始化目标向量表,并使用通用异常处理程序的地址填充其他向量位置(请参阅本章中的B&R ECCP60-01通用异常处理程序部分)。目标程序可以通过简单地将其自己的异常向量写入表来接管任意多的向量。如果表4-2中列出的矢量位置被覆盖,则伴随的调试器功能将丢失B&R ECCP60-01
Using B&R ECCP60-01Target Vector Table The 162Bug initializes and maintains a vector table area for target programs. A target program is any program started by the bug, either manually with GO or TR type commands or automatically with the BO command. The start address of this target vector table area is the base address of the debugger memory. B&R ECCP60-01This address is loaded into the targetstate VBR at power up and cold-start reset and can be observed by using the RD command to display the target-state registers immediately after power up.The 162Bug initializes the target vector table with the debugger vectors listed in Table 4-2 and fills the other vector locations with the address of a generalized exception handler (refer to the 162Bug Generalized Exception Handler section in this chapter). The target program may take over as many vectors as desired by simply writing its own exception vectors into the table. If the vector locations listed in Table 4-2 are overwritten then the accompanying debugger functions are lostB&R ECCP60-01
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