1.产 品 介 绍
型号说明:REXROTH MSK030C-0900-NN-M1-UG1-NNNN伺服电机
2.产 品 详 情 资 料:
REXROTH MSK030C-0900-NN-M1-UG1-NNNN162Bug从$FF800000开始执行,无论是Flash还是PROM。在J22引脚9-10处安装跳线(出厂配置,无VMEbus情况除外)后,闪存出现在地址$FF800000处,是重置期间执行的部分。使用此配置,REXROTH MSK030C-0900-NN-M1-UG1-NNNNPROM套接字被映射到地址$FFA00000。如果移除J22引脚9和10处的跳线,闪存和PROM的地址空间将互换。162Bug初始堆栈在加电或复位时完全改变地址$FFE0C00到$FFE0DFFFF处的所有8KB内存。DRAM既不是ECC也不是奇偶校验类型,而是不受保护的。162Bug需要2KB的NVRAM来存储板配置、通信和引导参数。此存储区域从$FFFC16F8开始,到$FFFC1EF7.162结束。Bug需要至少64KB的连续读/写内存才能运行。ENV命令控制此内存块的位置。无论板载RAM位于何处,第一个64KB用于162Bug堆栈和静态变量空间,其余部分保留为用户空间。每当MVME162FX控制器复位时,目标PC被初始化为与用户空间的开始相对应的地址,并且目标堆栈指针被初始化为用户空间内的地址,目标中断堆栈指针(ISP)被设置为用户空间的顶部REXROTH MSK030C-0900-NN-M1-UG1-NNNN
The 162Bug executes from $FF800000 whether in Flash or PROM. With the jumper at J22 pins 9-10 installed (the factory ship configuration except in the no-VMEbus case), REXROTH MSK030C-0900-NN-M1-UG1-NNNNthe Flash memory appears at address $FF800000 and is the part executed during reset. The PROM socket is mapped to address $FFA00000 with this configuration. If you remove the jumper at J22 pins 9 and 10, the address spaces of the Flash and PROM are swapped. The 162Bug initial stack completely changes all 8KB of memory at addresses $FFE0C000 through $FFE0DFFF at power-up or reset.DRAM is neither ECC nor parity type, but unprotected. The 162Bug requires 2KB of NVRAM for storage of board configuration,REXROTH MSK030C-0900-NN-M1-UG1-NNNNcommunication, and booting parameters. This storage area begins at $FFFC16F8 and ends at $FFFC1EF7.162Bug requires a minimum of 64KB of contiguous read/write memory to operate. The ENV command controls where this block of memory is located. Regardless of where the onboard RAM is located, the first 64KB is used for 162Bug stack and static variable space and the rest is reserved as user space. Whenever the MVME162FX controller is reset, the target PC is initialized to the address corresponding to the beginning of the user space, and the target stack pointers are initialized to addresses within the user space, with the target Interrupt Stack Pointer (ISP) set to the top of the user spaceREXROTH MSK030C-0900-NN-M1-UG1-NNNN
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