REXROTH HMS01.1N-W0150-A-07-NNNN服驱动器
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型号说明:REXROTH HDS05.2-W300N-HA03-01-FW伺服驱动
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REXROTH HDS05.2-W300N-HA03-01-FW如果安装了ROMboot代码,则会向用户编写的例程提供控制(如果例程满足格式要求)。ROMboot的一个用途可能是在非智能控制器模块上重置SYSFAIL*。NORB命令禁用该功能。用户的ROMboot模块要通过ROMboot链接获得控制,必须满足四个要求:❏ 必须刚刚通电(但ENV命令可以更改此设置以响应任何重置)。您的例程必须位于REXROTH HDS05.2-W300N-HA03-01-FW闪存/PROM内存映射中(但ENF命令可以将此更改为板载内存的任何其他部分,甚至板外VMEbus内存)。REXROTH HDS05.2-W300N-HA03-01-FW❏ ASCII字符串“BOOT”必须位于指定的内存范围内。❏ 您的例程必须通过校验和测试,以确保此例程在通电时确实要接收控制。有关如何使用ROMboot的完整详细信息,请参阅Motorola 68K CISC CPU用户手册的调试包。
If ROMboot code is installed, a userwritten routine is given control (if the routine meets the format requirements). One use of ROMboot might be resetting SYSFAIL* on an unintelligent controller module. The NORB command disables the function. For a user’s ROMboot module to gain control through the ROMboot linkage, four requirements must be met: ❏ Power must have just been applied (but the ENV command can change this to also respond to any reset).Your routine must be located within the REXROTH HDS05.2-W300N-HA03-01-FWFlash/PROM memory map (but the ENV command can change this to any other portion of the onboard memory, or even offboard VMEbus memory). ❏ The ASCII string "BOOT" must be located within the specified memory range. ❏ Your routine must pass a checksum test, which ensures that this routine was really intended to receive control at powerup. For complete details on how to use ROMboot, refer to the Debugging Package for Motorola 68K CISC CPUs User’s Manual.REXROTH HDS05.2-W300N-HA03-01-FW
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