RELIANCE S-25052-3模块卡件
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型号说明:RELIANCE S-25052-3模块卡件
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RELIANCE S-25052-3VMEbus内存映射本节描述VMEbus主控器查看的本地资源映射。ENV命令提供从属、主和GCSR地址解码器的默认地址。请参阅附录A。VMEbus访问本地总线VMEcchip2包括用于VMEbus到本地总线接口的用户可编程映射解码器。映射解码器允许您编程开始和结束地址以及控制器响应的修改器。VMEbus短I/O内存映射VMEchip2包括用于GCSR的用户可编程映射解码器。RELIANCE S-25052-3GCSR映射解码器允许您在VMEbus短I/O空间中编程GCSR的起始地址。软件初始化使用其他模块上的开关或跳线完成的大多数功能都是通过在MVME162FX嵌入式控制器上设置控制寄存器来完成的。在加电或复位时,包含162Bug调试包的EPROM设置了许多这些寄存器的默认值。RELIANCE S-25052-3
VMEbus Memory Map This section describes the mapping of local resources as viewed by VMEbus masters. Default addresses for the slave, master, and GCSR address decoders are provided by the ENV command. Refer to Appendix A. VMEbus Accesses to the Local Bus The VMEchip2 includes a user-programmable map decoder for the VMEbus to local bus interface.RELIANCE S-25052-3 The map decoder allows you to program the starting and ending address and the modifiers the controller responds to. VMEbus Short I/O Memory Map The VMEchip2 includes a user-programmable map decoder for the GCSR. The GCSR map decoder allows you to program the starting address of the GCSR in the VMEbus short I/O space.Software Initialization Most functions that have been done with switches or jumpers on other modules are done by setting control registers on the MVME162FX Embedded Controller. At power-up or reset, the EPROMs that contain the 162Bug debugging package set up the default values of many of these registers.RELIANCE S-25052-3
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