RELIANCE 86475-11R堆叠整流器
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型号说明:RELIANCE 86475-11R堆叠整流器
2.产 品 详 情 资 料:
RELIANCE 86475-11R内存映射内存映射有两种视图:❏ 本地总线主控器查看的所有资源的映射(本地总线内存映射)。❏ VMEbus Masters查看的机载资源映射(VMEbus内存映射)。下表中描述的内存和I/O映射适用于所有本地总线主机。VMEchip2中有一些地址转换功能。RELIANCE 86475-11R这允许同一VMEbus上的多个控制器具有不同的虚拟本地总线映射,如不同VMEbus主机所查看的。本地总线内存映射本地总线内存映像由传输类型(TT)信号划分为不同的地址空间。本地资源响应正常访问和中断确认代码。正常地址范围响应正常地址范围的设备的内存映射如下表所示。正常地址范围由本地总线上的传输类型(TT)信号定义。在控制器上,传输类型0、1和2定义正常地址范围。RELIANCE 86475-11R
Memory Maps There are two points of view for memory maps: ❏ The mapping of all resources as viewed by local bus masters (local bus memory map).RELIANCE 86475-11R❏ The mapping of onboard resources as viewed by VMEbus Masters (VMEbus memory map). The memory and I/O maps which are described in the following tables are correct for all local bus masters. There is some address translation capability in the VMEchip2. This allows multiple controllers on the same VMEbus with different virtual local bus maps as viewed by different VMEbus masters. Local Bus Memory Map The local bus memory map is split into different address spaces by the transfer type (TT) signals. RELIANCE 86475-11RThe local resources respond to the normal access and interrupt acknowledge codes.ormal Address Range The memory map of devices that respond to the normal address range is shown in the following tables. The normal address range is defined by the Transfer Type (TT) signals on the local bus. On the controller, Transfer Types 0, 1, and 2 define the normal address range.RELIANCE 86475-11R
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