RELIANCE 57552-C驱动控制器
1.产 品 介 绍
型号说明:RELIANCE 57552-C驱动控制器
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请注意,订购的没有VMEbus接口的RELIANCE 57552-C型号附带闪存空白(工厂使用VMEbus使用调试器代码对闪存进行编程)。要使用162Bug包MVME162Bug,请确保为EPROM内存映射配置了跳线头J22。更多详情请参阅第3章和第4章。电池备份RAM和时钟MVME162FX嵌入式控制器包含RELIANCE 57552-C和时钟芯片。该芯片在一个28引脚封装中提供了一个时钟、振荡器、晶体、电源故障检测、8KB RAM和电池。时钟以BCD 24小时格式提供秒、分钟、小时、日、日期、月和年的信息。28天、29天(闰年)和30天的月份会自动进行更正。时钟不会产生中断。时钟芯片是一个8位器件;然而,MC2芯片提供的接口支持对MK48T08的8位、16位和32位访问。RELIANCE 57552-C
Note thatRELIANCE 57552-Cmodels ordered without the VMEbus interface are shipped with flash memory blank (the factory uses the VMEbus to program the flash memory with debugger code). To use the 162Bug package, MVME162Bug, be sure that jumper header J22 is configured for the EPROM memory map. Refer to Chapters 3 and 4 for further details. Battery Backed Up RAM and Clock The MVME162FX Embedded Controller incorporates the MK48T08 RAM and clock chip. This chip provides a time-of-day clock, oscillator, crystal, power failure detection, RELIANCE 57552-C8KB of RAM, and a battery in one 28-pin package. The clock provides information in seconds, minutes, hours, day, date, month, and year in BCD 24-hour format. Corrections for 28- day, 29- day (leap year), and 30-day months are automatically made. No interrupts are generated by the clock. The clock chip is an 8 bit device; however, the interface provided by the MC2 chip supports 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit accesses to the MK48T08.RELIANCE 57552-C
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