RELIANCE 5G0251S控制主板卡件
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型号说明:RELIANCE 5G0251S控制主板卡件
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RELIANCE 5G0251S1.所有外部I/O端口上的屏蔽电缆。2.通过与导电模块前面板结合的金属外壳连接器连接到接地的电缆屏蔽。3.导电底盘导轨接地。这提供了将屏蔽连接到接地的路径。RELIANCE 5G0251S4.前面板螺钉正确拧紧。对于最小射频发射,必须满足上述条件。否则,可能会影响包含模块的设备的EMC合规性。手册术语本手册使用数据和地址参数的特殊符号约定。该参数的前缀是一个字符,该字符标识数字格式如下:例如,“12”是十进制数字12,“$12”是十进制数18。RELIANCE 5G0251S除非另有规定,否则所有地址引用均采用十六进制表示法。
1. Shielded cables on all external I/O ports. 2. Cable shields connected to earth ground via metal shell connectors bonded to a conductive module front panel. 3. Conductive chassis rails connected to earth ground. This provides the path for connecting shields to earth ground.RELIANCE 5G0251S4. Front panel screws properly tightened. For minimum RF emissions, it is essential that the conditions above be implemented. Failure to do so, could compromise the EMC compliance of the equipment containing the module. Manual Terminology This manual utilizes a special symbolic convention for data and address parameters. The parameter is prefixed with a character which identifies the numeric format as follows: For example, "12" is the decimal number twelve, and "$12" is the decimal number eighteen. Unless otherwise specified, all address references are in hexadecimal notation.RELIANCE 5G0251S
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