A-B 1326AB-B730E-21-L工控控制卡件
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型号说明:A-B 1326AB-B730E-21-L工控控制卡件
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概述A-B 1326AB-B730E-21-L嵌入式控制器基于MC68040或MC68LC040微处理器。各种版本的控制器具有4MB、8MB或16MB的无保护DRAM、8KB的SRAM(带备用电池)、时钟(带备用)、以太网收发器接口、带EIA-232-D或EIA-530或EIA-485/422接口的两个串行端口、六个计时定时器、看门狗定时器、PROM插槽、1MB闪存(一个闪存设备)A-B 1326AB-B730E-21-L、四个带DMA的工业包(IP)接口、,带有DMA的SCSI总线接口、VMEbus控制器和512 KB的SRAM(带备用电池)。控制器的I/O连接到VMEbus P2连接器。主板通过P2过渡板和电缆连接到过渡板。MVME162FX嵌入式控制器支持以下转换板:❏ A-B 1326AB-B730E-21-L(本手册中称为MVME712x,除非另有规定)MVME712 x转接板为I/O设备提供配置头和行业标准连接器。
Overview The MVMEA-B 1326AB-B730E-21-L Embedded Controller is based on the MC68040 or MC68LC040 microprocessor. Various versions of the controller have 4MB, 8MB, or 16MB of unprotected DRAM, 8KB of SRAM (with battery backup), a time of day clock (with battery backup), an Ethernet transceiver interface, two serial ports with an EIA-232-D or EIA-530 or EIA-485/422 interface, six tick timers, a watchdog timer, a PROM socket, 1MB flash memory (one flash device), four Industry Pack (IP) interfaces with DMA, a SCSI bus interface with DMA, a VMEbus controller, and 512 KB of SRAM (with battery backup). The controller’s I/O is connected to the VMEbus P2 connector. The main board is connected through a P2 transition board and cables to the transition boards. The MVME162FX Embedded Controller supports the following transition boards: ❏ MVMA-B 1326AB-B730E-21-L (referred to in this manual as MVME712x, unless separately specified) The MVME712x transition boards provide configuration headers and industry-standard connectors for I/O devices.A-B 1326AB-B730E-21-L
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