RELIANCE S-D4008-A工控控制卡件
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型号说明:RELIANCE S-D4008-A工控控制卡件
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RELIANCE S-D4008-A测试电压和绝缘电阻的指南是DIN VDE 0100第600部分第9节。8.5电源输入/输出模块及其自由连接器用螺钉固定。为了防止所有螺钉松动和输入/输出模块拔出,连接前必须检查24 V直流工作电压的极性、电平和纹波是否正确。RELIANCE S-D4008-A8.6功能测试8.6.1准备功能测试对于功能测试,请借助标签和/或文件打印件“I/O子架”检查控制柜的设备。输入/输出模块的所有自由连接器必须连接到分配的输入/输出机架,电缆连接器的电压连接必须连接到指定的电压分配器。所有控制元件(控制装置)必须由工厂管理人员释放或在无辅助电源的情况下驱动。RELIANCE S-D4008-A
The guideline for test voltages and insulating resistance is DIN VDE 0100, part 600 section 9. 8.5 Power Supply The input/output modules and their free connectors are fixed with screws. To prevent the loosening of all screws and the pulling out of the input/output modules, the 24 V DC operation voltage has to be checked for correct polarity, RELIANCE S-D4008-Alevel and ripple before it is connected. 8.6 Functional Testing 8.6.1 Preparing Functional Testing For functional testing check the equipment of the control cabinet completely with help of the label and/or documentation printout "I/O subrack". All free connectors of the input/output modules have to be connected to the allocated input/output racks, and the voltage connections of the cable connectors to the allocated voltage distributors. All control elements (control devices) must be released by the factory management or be driven without auxiliary power.RELIANCE S-D4008-A
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