RELIANCE GP-2000 2GU42001工控控制卡件
1.产 品 介 绍
型号说明:RELIANCE GP-2000 2GU42001工控控制卡件
2.产 品 详 情 资 料:
RELIANCE GP-2000 2GU42001对于HIBUS-2,最大传输长度为1200 m,导线横截面为0.25 mm2。2400 m,接线横截面为0.5 mm2。RELIANCE GP-2000 2GU42001回路电阻为180Ω 在这两种情况下。根据公式:LR=(180Ω -n x 4,4Ω) / (2 x RL))x 1000,LR=剩余长度(m)n=每个方向的线路保护模块数量RL=线路电阻Ω/km剩余长度为1141 m(2个模块,RL=75Ω/km),分别为0.25 mm2。2313(2个模块,RL=37Ω/km),适用于0.5 mm2横截面。线路保护模块不应与PES安装在同一机柜中。启动和维护简要总结了启动、维护和故障检测的测试和建议措施。为了限制文件的范围,请参考本目录和HIMA系统文件的其他打印件中的相关章节。RELIANCE GP-2000 2GU42001
For HIBUS-2 the max. transmissions length is 1200 m with 0.25 mm2 wiring cross section resp. 2400 m with 0.5 mm2 wiring cross section. RELIANCE GP-2000 2GU42001The loop resistance is 180 Ω in both cases. The calculation of the remaining length of the bus refers on a continuous wiring with the same cross section according to the formular: LR = ((180 Ω -n x 4,4 Ω) / (2 x RL)) x 1000 with LR = remaining length in m n = number of line protection modules per direction RL = line resistance in Ω/km The result is a remaining length of 1141 m (2 modules, RL = 75 Ω/km) for 0.25 mm2 resp. 2313 (2 modules, RL = 37 Ω/km) for 0,5 mm2 cross section. The line protection modules should not be installed in the same cabinet as the PES.Startup and Maintenance The tests and recommended measures for the startup, maintenance and fault detection are briefly summarized. To limit the extent of the documentation, The chapters concerned in this catalogue and in the other printouts of the HIMA system documentation are referred to.RELIANCE GP-2000 2GU42001
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