RELIANCE 57C492电池备用单元电源
1.产 品 介 绍
型号说明:RELIANCE 57C492电池备用单元电源
2.产 品 详 情 资 料:
RELIANCE 57C492机柜框架(3)的各部分焊接在一起,因此构成导电结构元件。底板和顶板、侧板、后面板、摆动框架、门、安装导轨和安装板(如果存在)通过横截面为16 mm2或25 mm2的短接地条与机柜框架导电连接。接地条上覆盖有黄色/绿色识别护套(5)。作为标准,两个M 2500(4)母线绝缘子已安装在机柜中,并通过25 mm2(5)接地条连接至机柜框架。RELIANCE 57C492另一方面,通过移除接地条(例如,用于屏蔽现场电缆),母线可用于与接地分离的电位(4)。为了连接客户接地,机柜框架(6)上提供了一个M8螺栓。RELIANCE 57C492
The parts of the cabinet framework (3) are welded together and therefore make up an electrically conductive constructional element. Bottom plate and top plate, side panels, rear panel, swing frame, door, mounting rails and mounting plates (if existing) are conductively connected to the cabinet framework via short earthing strips having a cross section of 16 mm2 or 25 mm2. RELIANCE 57C492The earthing strips are covered with a yellow/green identifying sheath (5).As a standard, two M 2500 (4) busbars on insulators are already installed in the cabinet and are connected to the cabinet framework via 25 mm2 (5) earthing strips. On the other hand the busbars can be used for a potential separated from the earthing by removing the earthing strips (e.g. for the screening of field cables)(4). For the connection of the customers earthing an M8 screw bolt is provided on the cabinet framework (6).RELIANCE 57C492
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