REXROTH MSM030C-0300-NN-M0-CC0伺服电机
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型号说明:REXROTH MSM030C-0300-NN-M0-CC0伺服电机
2.产 品 详 情 资 料:
REXROTH MSM030C-0300-NN-M0-CC0监控模块REXROTH MSM030C-0300-NN-M0-CC0检查电源模块的输出电压是否欠压或故障。在电源模块故障的情况下,操作系统通过系统变量向用户的程序提供该信息。如果5 V直流系统电源故障,中央模块上的硬件时钟和sRAM由中央模块上一个锂电池缓冲。电源监控模块REXROTH MSM030C-0300-NN-M0-CC0上的两个锂电池用于缓冲协处理器模块上的sRAM。4.5.8 I/O总线通过I/O总线建立I/O级与中央设备的数据连接。I/O总线耦合模块已集成在中央机架中。对于I/O机架,通过安装在插槽17中的耦合模块REXROTH MSM030C-0300-NN-M0-CC0连接到I/O总线。各子架之间的总线连接通过BV 7032数据电缆在后侧建立。
The output voltage of the power supply modules is checked as to undervoltage or failure by the monitoring module REXROTH MSM030C-0300-NN-M0-CC0. In case of a faulty power supply module the operating system supplies the user's program via a system variable with this information. In case the 5 V DC system power fails hardware clock and sRAM on the central module are buffered by one lithium battery on the central module. Two lithium batteries on the power supply monitoring module F 7131 are to buffer the sRAM on the coprocessor module. 4.5.8 The I/O Bus The data connection of the I/O level with the central device is established via the I/O bus. The I/O bus coupling modules are already integrated in the central rack. With the I/O rack the connection to the I/O bus is via a coupling module REXROTH MSM030C-0300-NN-M0-CC0 installed in slot 17. The connection of the bus between the individual subracks is establiblished at the rear side via the BV 7032 data cable.
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