RELIANCE 0-49011-6A驱动模块
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型号说明:RELIANCE 0-49011-6A驱动模块
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RELIANCE 0-49011-6A驱动模块微处理器系统所需的5 V DC电源以及I/O模块的控制电流由系统的24 V DC电源通过带有F 7126标识的时钟24 V DC/5 V DC供电模块产生。一个中央机架最多可配备3个电源模块。电源模块并联切换。一个或两个电源模块通常能够为PES供电。RELIANCE 0-49011-6A驱动模块另一个电源模块用于提高可用性。监控模块RELIANCE 0-49011-6A驱动模块检查电源模块的输出电压是否欠压和故障。在电源模块故障的情况下,操作系统通过系统变量向用户的程序提供该信息。如果5 V直流系统电源故障,中央模块上的硬件时钟和sRAM由中央模块上一个锂电池缓冲。电源监控模块RELIANCE 0-49011-6A驱动模块的两个锂电池用于缓冲协处理器模块上的sRAM。RELIANCE 0-49011-6A驱动模块
RELIANCE 0-49011-6A驱动模块The 5 V DC power needed for the microprocessor system and as control current for the I/O modules is generated from the 24 V DC power of the system via clocked 24 V DC /5 V DC power supply modules bearing the F 7126 identification. One central rack can be equipped with a maximum of 3 power supply modules. The power supply modules are switched in parallel. One or two power supply modules are usually able to supply the PES. A further power supply module is used to increase availability. The output voltage of the power supply modules is checked as to undervoltage and failure by a monitoring module F 7131. In case of a faulty power supply module the operating system supplies the user’s program via a system variable with this information. In case the 5 V DC system power fails hardware clock and sRAM on the central module are buffered by one lithium battery on the central module. Two lithium batteries on the power supply monitoring module RELIANCE 0-49011-6A驱动模块 are to buffer the sRAM on the coprocessor module.
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