SAIA PCD2.W400模块
1.产 品 介 绍
型号:SAIA PCD2.W400
2.产 品 详 情 资 料:
SAIA PCD2.W400最多12个插槽用于数字和模拟信号的输入和输出模块–将I/O模块直接连接到中央模块。连接I/O总线所需的所有功能都集成在H41q中央模块-集成电缆槽-用于连接和断开24 V DC电源电压、提供看门狗信号以及作为带有保险丝和风扇运行监控的风扇插件的附加模块中。输出故障时,安全开关关闭的概念,耦合和中央模块以及组关闭在系统描述中,显示了与安全相关的PES H41q MS、SAIA PCD2.W400HS、-HRS以及发生故障时关闭的方式。根据故障位置,系统的反应是固定的,或者可以通过构建块H8-STA-3在用户程序中定义,并激活用于紧急关闭的系统变量相关CU 3的)SAIA PCD2.W400
A maximum of 12 slots for input and output modules for digital and analogue signals – Direct connection of I/O modules to the central module. All functions necessary for the connection of the I/O bus are integrated in the H41q central module – Integrated cable traySAIA PCD2.W400– Additional modules to connect and to decouple the supply voltage 24 V DC, to supply the watchdog signal and as fan plug-in unit with fuse and fan run monitoring.Conceptions of the Safety Switch Off In case of faults of output, coupling and central modules and group switch off In the system descriptions the safety related PES H41q-MS, -HS, -HRS the ways for shut down if a fault occurs are shown. Depending on the fault location the reactions of the systems are fixed or they can be defined in the user’s program by means of the building block H8-STA-3 and with activating of a system variable for emergency off.Output module Single error (also voltage drop) Module switch-off 1) One building block H8-STA-3 per group Group shut down 2) System variable for emergency off activated WD switch-off of the appertaining CU 3)SAIA PCD2.W400
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