PROSOFT MVI56-101M通信模块
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对多点系统上的每个PLC重复上述步骤。如果为模块分配SNP ID,则必须使用适当的软件。有关说明,请参阅模块的用户手册。将Logicmaster编程器连接到多点系统上的PLCŶ将编程器与多点系统的编程器相连。PROSOFT MVI56-101M从Logicmaster主菜单中选择F2,PROSOFT MVI56-101M“Logicmaster 90 Configuration Package”。\374;选择F7,“Programmer Mode and Setup”。\374;选择F3,“select PLC Connections”。在SELECTED SNP ID字段中,输入要与之通信的PLC或设备的SNP ID。Ŷ在端口连接字段中,选择MULTIDROP。PROSOFT MVI56-101M按F6,“设置”,连接到所选PLC。您应该在几秒钟内连接到选定的PLC。如果您无法连接,请参阅下一节。NP多点故障排除如果您在多点系统上连接到PLC或模块时遇到问题,请检查以下内容:PROSOFT MVI56-101M是所有PLC都有问题,还是只有一个PLC有问题?尝试通过多点系统连接到其他PLC。如果无法连接到任何设备,请检查常见问题,如电缆故障。如果可以连接到除一个PLC之外的所有PLC,请使用下一段中描述的直接连接方法。
Repeat the above steps for each PLC that is on the multidrop system. If assigning an SNP ID to a module, you must use the appropriate software. See the user’s manual for the module for instructions.Connecting your Logicmaster Programmer to a PLC on a Multidrop SystemPROSOFT MVI56-101M Connect your programmer to the programmer connection for the multidrop system.PROSOFT MVI56-101M From the Logicmaster Main Menu, select F2, “Logicmaster 90 Configuration Package.”PROSOFT MVI56-101M Select F7, “Programmer Mode and Setup.”PROSOFT MVI56-101M Select F3, “Select PLC Connections.”PROSOFT MVI56-101M In the SELECTED SNP ID field, enter the SNP ID of the PLC or device you wish to communicate with.PROSOFT MVI56-101M In the PORT CONNECTION field, select MULTIDROP.PROSOFT MVI56-101M Press F6, “setup,” to connect to the selected PLC. You should connect to the selected PLC within a few seconds. If you cannot connect, see the next section.SNP Multidrop Troubleshooting If you are having trouble connecting to a PLC or module over the multidrop system, check the following:Is there a problem with all PLCs or only one? Try connecting to other PLCs over the multidrop system. If you cannot connect to any, check for a common problem such as a defective cable. If you can connect to all but one PLC, use the direct connection method described in the next paragraph.
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