NI PXI-8364工控备件控制模块
1.产 品 介 绍
型号:NI PXI-8364
2.产 品 详 情 资 料:
NI PXI-8364工控备件控制模块更换模块模块不包含配置开关。每个基板(机架)中的插槽都配置(使用配置软件)以容纳特定的模块类型(目录号)。该配置信息存储在CPU存储器中。因此,更换模块时,不必对模块本身进行任何硬件设置。但是,您必须确保在特定插槽中安装正确的模块类型。NI PXI-8364请注意,某些“智能”模块,如CPU、PCM、APM或DSM302,可能包含在更换模块后需要重新加载的应用程序。对于此类模块,请确保保留应用程序的最新副本,以备以后需要恢复。NI PXI-8364对于带有端子板的I/O模块,您不必重新接线新的端子板以更换模块。如果旧的端子板没有缺陷,则可以从旧模块上拆下并重新安装到新模块上,而无需拆下任何接线。模块和接线板的拆卸和安装程序见第2章。NI PXI-8364
Replacing Modules Modules do not contain configuration switches.NI PXI-8364 The slot in each baseplate (rack) is configured (using the configuration software) to hold a particular module type (catalog number). This configuration information is stored in CPU memory. Therefore, when replacing a module, you do not have to make any hardware settings on the module itself. You do, however, have to ensure that you install the correct module type in a particular slot. Be aware that some NI PXI-8364“intelligent” modules, such as the CPU, PCM, APM, or DSM302, may contain application programs that will need to be reloaded after the module is replaced. For such modules, make sure that up-to-date copies of the application programs are maintained in case they have to be restored later.For I/O modules with terminal boards, you do not have to rewire a new terminal board in order to replace the module. If the old terminal board is not defective, it can be removed from the old module and reinstalled on the new module without removing any of the wiring. Procedures for removing and installing modules and terminal boards are found in Chapter 2.NI PXI-8364
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