DEIF AGC150控制器
1.产 品 介 绍
型号:DEIF AGC150
2.产 品 详 情 资 料:
DEIF AGC150控制器标准化-有时公司会对特定类型的模块进行标准化,以简化培训或备件库存。第三方解决方案-许多自动化解决方案是通过将GE Fanuc产品与第三方产品相结合而创建的。第三方90-30系列模块的示例有Profibus、DeviceNet、SDS、LonWorks、Interbus-S、RTU/Modbus、ASCII Basic、RTD和毫伏/应变计输入。请联系您的GE Fanuc分销商以获取更多信息,或查看GE Fanuc网站以获取第三方产品信息。一旦确定了所需的I/O和选件模块的数量和类型,即可选择CPU。DEIF AGC150适用于选择选项模块的许多因素,如性能、成本、标准化等,也适用于选择CPU。有关CPU功能的详细信息,请参阅“CPU”一章系统所需的模块数量-嵌入式CPU有5个插槽或10个插槽大小,它们不支持扩展或远程底板。因此,如果一个系统只需要几个模块,这些可能是一个选项。如果需要10个以上的模块,则必须选择模块化CPU。DEIF AGC150
Standardization - Sometimes a company standardizes on particular types of modules to simplify training or stocking of spare parts.Third-party solutions - Many automation solutions are created by combining GE Fanuc products with third-party products. Examples of third-party Series 90-30 modules are Profibus, DeviceNet, SDS, LonWorks, Interbus-S, RTU/Modbus, DEIF AGC150ASCII Basic, RTD, and Millivolt/Strain Gauge Input. Contact your GE Fanuc distributor for further information, or check the GE Fanuc Web site for third-party product information.Once you have determined how many and what type of I/O and Option modules you require, you can select a CPU. DEIF AGC150Many of the factors that apply to selecting Option modules, such as performance, cost, standardization, etc. also apply to selecting a CPU. Details on CPU capabilities are found in the “CPUs” chapter Number of modules required by the system - Embedded CPUs come in 5-slot or 10-slot sizes and they do not support Extension or Remote baseplates. DEIF AGC150Therefore, if a system requires only a few modules, these may be an option. If more than 10 modules are required, you must select a Modular CPU.
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