SAIA PCD4.A200数字输出
1.产 品 介 绍
型号:SAIA PCD4.A200数字输出
2.产 品 详 情 资 料:
SAIA PCD4.A200数字输出注意,在一个PLC系统中可以支持的某些类型的模块(模拟I/O和选项)的最大数量有一些限制。有关数据,请参阅“每个系统的最大模块数”表。首先,确定系统需要多少模拟和离散I/O点。如果改装现有系统,请使用该系统的示意图。SAIA PCD4.A200如果设计新系统,请使用机械图纸或规范来确定需要哪些输入和输出。列出所需的输入和输出,将其分为四种类型:离散输入、离散输出、模拟输入和模拟输出。如果有任何特殊要求,如快速响应等,请在页面上注明。此外,如果系统的部分与其他部分物理分离,需要扩展或远程机架,请为每个位置创建一个单独的列表SAIA PCD4.A200
Note that there are some restrictions on the maximum numberSAIA PCD4.A200 of certain types of modules (Analog I/O and Option) that can be supported in one PLC system. See the table “Maximum Number of Modules Per System” for data.To start, determine how many I/O points, SAIA PCD4.A200both analog and discrete, are needed for your system. If retrofitting an existing system, use the schematic diagrams for the system. If designing a new system, use the mechanical drawings or specifications to determine what inputs and outputs are needed. Make a list of inputs and outputs needed, separating them into four types: Discrete Input, Discrete Output, Analog Input, Analog Output. If there are any special requirements, such as fast response, etc., make a note of them on the page. Also, if parts of your system are physically separated from other parts, requiring Expansion or Remote Racks, create a separate list for each locationSAIA PCD4.A200
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