DEIF SGC 420控制器
1.产 品 介 绍
型号:DEIF SGC 420
2.产 品 详 情 资 料:
DEIF SGC 420控制器CSE311、CSE313和CSE323型嵌入式CPU基板具有内置状态逻辑CPU的可编程逻辑控制器有三种型号。内置CPU的CSE3和CSE3 3有5个插槽可用于模块,内置CPU的DEIF SGC 420有0个插槽可供模块使用。每个基板也有一个电源插槽。CSE 3、3 3和323 CPU可以使用状态逻辑软件产品以状态逻辑编程语言编程。状态逻辑软件产品还用于配置可编程控制器,并与状态逻辑CPU在线通信,以进行调试和故障排除操作。DEIF SGC 420通过PLC背板与I/O模块、智能选件模块和第三方模块通信。大多数可用的Series 90-30离散、模拟和专用模块都受支持(状态逻辑3.0版)。也支持外部或第三方模块。DEIF SGC 420
Model DEIF SGC 420 Embedded CPU Baseplates The Programmable Logic Controller with a built-in State Logic CPU is available in three models. The DEIF SGC 420with built-in CPU has 5 slots available for modules and the CSE323 with built-in CPU has DEIF SGC 420 slots available for modules. Each baseplate also has a power supply slot. The CSE 3DEIF SGC 420,DEIF SGC 420 CPUs can be programmed in the State Logic programming language using the State Logic software products. The State logic software products are also used to configure the Programmable Controller and communicate on-line with the State Logic CPU for debugging and troubleshooting operations. TheDEIF SGC 420 communicate with I/O modules, smart option modules, and Third Party modules across the PLC backplane. Most of the available Series 90-30 discrete, analog, and special purpose modules are supported (with Release 3.0 of State Logic). Foreign or 3rd party modules are also supported.
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