DEIF RMP-111D过载功率继电器
1.产 品 介 绍
型号:DEIF RMP-111D
2.产 品 详 情 资 料:
DEIF RMP-111D过载功率继电器基板类型和PTMPM模块的允许数量PTMPM可安装在任何类型的90-30系列基板(CPU、扩展或远程)中。对于每个PLC系统或每个PLC基板的PTMPM模块的最大数量没有限制,只要PLC电源具有足够的容量并且有足够的%I、%Q、%AI和%AQ内存可用。DEIF RMP-111D然而,如“安装信息”一节所述,保持PTMIM电源线与PLC信号线物理分离是有益的,以减少噪声耦合;当安装PTMPM模块时,这可能会影响到要选择的基板插槽。电源要求PTMPM模块需要来自PLC电源的400 mA@5 VDC。PTMIM不需要控制电源输入。DEIF RMP-111D
DEIF RMP-111DBaseplate Type and Allowable Number of PTMPM Modules The PTMPM module may be installed in any type of Series 90-30 baseplate (CPU, Expansion, or Remote).DEIF RMP-111D There are no restrictions as to the maximum number of PTMPM modules per PLC system, or per PLC baseplate, as long as the PLC power supply has sufficient capacity and there is sufficient %I, %Q, %AI, and %AQ memory available. However, as noted in the “Mounting Information” section, it is beneficial to keep the PTMIM power wiring physically separated from PLC signal wiring in order to reduce noise coupling; this can have a bearing on which baseplate slots to choose when mounting PTMPM modules. Power Supply Requirement The PTMPM module requires 400 mA @ 5 VDC from the PLC power supply. The PTMIM does not require a control power input.DEIF RMP-111D
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