DEIF LMR-122D保护继电器电源
1.产 品 介 绍
型号:DEIF LMR-122D
2.产 品 详 情 资 料:
DEIF LMR-122D保护继电器电源P(外部电源)-此绿色LED通常亮起,表示模块正在通电。如果此LED熄灭,则可能表明TCM的内部保险丝断开。R(运行)-此绿色LED通常亮起。当存在内部模块故障时,此LED将与红色故障(F)LED交替闪烁。F(故障)-此红色LED通常熄灭。此灯在模块启动时闪烁,当TCM完成其内部启动例程时熄灭。当存在内部模块故障时,该LED将与绿色运行(R)LED交替闪烁。S(短路)-此红色LED通常熄灭。DEIF LMR-122D当其中一个输出电路短路时,此LED点亮。1–8(输出状态)-当模块调节其输出时,这些绿色LED通常打开和关闭。其中一个LED开启与关闭的时间百分比代表该输出的PWM周期。八个LED中的每一个对应于一个输出通道。输出接头位于模块右侧。通道编号标记在连接器旁边的模块上。例如,LED 8对应于右侧连接器上标记为8+和8-的连接。DEIF LMR-122D
P (External Power) - This green LED is normally ON, indicating that the module is receiving power. If this LED is OFF, it may indicate that theDEIF LMR-122D TCM’s internal fuse is open. R (Run) - This green LED is normally ON. When there is an internal module fault, this LED will alternately flash with the red Fault (F) LED. F (Fault) - This red LED is normally OFF. This light flashes upon module startup and goes out when the TCM finishes its internal startup routine. When there is an internal module fault, this LED DEIF LMR-122Dwill alternately flash with the green Run (R) LED. S (Short) - This red LED is normally OFF. This LED lights when there is a short on one of the output circuits. 1 – 8 (Output Status) - These green LEDs normally turn ON and OFF while the module is regulating their outputs. The percentage of time that one of these LEDs is ON verses OFF is representative of the PWM period of that output. Each of the eight LEDs corresponds to an output channel. The output connector is the one on the right side of the module. The channels numbers are labeled on the module next to the connector. For example, LED 8 corresponds to the connections labeled 8+ and 8- on the right-hand connector.DEIF LMR-122D
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